Special Guests

All 3 Men Found Guilty of Murder in Ahmaud Arbery case Guest: Michael Letts

A jury found all 3 men guilty of murder in the Ahmaud Arbery case. But for some reason, major media coverage of this case and reactions from groups like Black Lives Matter differed greatly compared with the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Joining us to help shed light on this matter is a man who is both a police officer and firefighter, Michael Letts, CEO of Invest USA.




1) Why such a difference in media, BLM response over this verdict versus the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict?


A.) First, it is a unanimous verdict in both cases on a self-defense claim. The jury system works if left to perform on facts, not threats or political ideology.


2) What are some of the major differences in the cases?


A.) Rittenhouse: Video shows being beaten and threatened with firearms.


Three defendents….no videos, suspicion of stealing, being detained by citizen’s arrest claim of scuffle and discharge while trying to leave.


3) How does law enforcement, in general, feel about these cases.


A.) The jury system works when the facts and all evidence is presented and no socialist narratives, untruths,  or political ideology are allowed to taint the system.


4) Is this a positive for law enforcement?


  1. Yes


5.) What more can we, as individuals, do to help support, protect and defend law enforcement officers and other First Responders?



6) What is InVestUSA doing to assist officers across America and champion the cause of restoring law and order across our country and where may we go to support your work?


A.) InvestUSA.org



GUEST: Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.



CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Celinda Hawkins,  Samantha Mao, or Jerry McGlothlin at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or contact Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 tamara@ohsweetliberty.com



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