Special Guests

Abortion Referendums that Passed (Guest: Jim Harden)

Even with the most divisive issue of our day, abortion, 80% of Americans agree, favoring some restrictions on abortion.

But with one of the most mind-boggling referendum results in the recent history of our Republic, we are receiving a mixed message. 

Case in point, in the mega-red state of Montana, voters passed Montana rejected Legislative Referendum 131, allowing doctors to let a baby die on the table after being born if a mother did not abort her baby in time.

What? You ask. Yes, it’s true, but how?

Our guest is Jim Harden, whose pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York, was firebombed. I hope that Jim can explain just how this happened. Welcome, Jim. 


  1. How did such a seemingly diabolical act pass in such a conservative state? Even in a liberal state, you might be hard-pressed to find anyone approving such a merciless law.

Answer: It’s simple. The pro-abortion side came up with the funding for the referendum and presented it as if these children would be born with imperfections and that allowing a mother to ‘bond’ with her child briefly before it dies is better than having the baby live a few months or years before passing away. What’s bizarre is how these pro-abortion extremists got away with branding pro-lifers as ‘extremists’ for daring to choose life. 

  • If the first-ever law like this can be passed in conservative Montana, it sounds like it can be passed in any state, right?

Answer: Precisely. Suppose the same promotion (aka brainwashing) is presented in other states and is well-funded without much opposition from conservatives. In that case, we might soon see babies dying on hospital tables everywhere.

  • Tell us about so-called botched abortions. This law was touted as a remedy for having those babies born alive. Are there any actual cases of babies born alive after so-called botched abortions?

Answer: Yes, we have multiple speakers in the pro-life movement who are abortion survivors who are thriving and enjoying life. But had this law been in effect back when they were born, they might not be alive today to talk about it. 

  • What about the possibility of conservatives pro-actively putting well-funded referendums on ballots requiring medical treatment given infants who survive attempted abortions?

Answer: That would be a solution, but if they wage such a batter, they’d best be in it to win it, for it’s a battle of life and death.

  • Tell us about other abortion referendums and how they did.

Answer: In another deep-red state, Kentucky voters rejected Amendment 2, which said there is no constitutional right to abortion. Again, well-funded by the pro-abortion crowd that has doubled down since the reversal of Roe v Wade. Furthermore, Vermont, California, and Michigan passed referendums enshrining the so-called “right to abortion” in their state constitutions.

  • Tell us about how your pro-life pregnancy center got firebombed, and have there been any leads or arrests?
  • Where may we learn more about CompassCare and its services?

Answer: You may find more information on our community page at CompassCare.info

About Rev. James Harden

Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div. is the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services and lives outside of Rochester, NY, with his wife and ten children. Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He has written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 919-437-0001.

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