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A New Report Revealed How Parents Can Be Arrested For Failing To Pay For Their Child’s Sex “Transition” In the U.K.

Free-Filtering.org creator Michael Lee Mason is concerned over the law – and how much further it could go.

At a time when some parents are concerned about their child being curious about transition, the United Kingdom now appears to have a rule in place that punishes them for not supporting them enough.

According to this article at WND.com, George Washington University’s Jonathan Turley recently pointed out in a column how U.K. police can punish “parents who refuse to use the alternative pronouns for their children or refuse to pay for their transitioning could be criminally prosecuted.” They even cite it as abuse, even though it clearly isn’t abuse.

“As the debate rages in the United States over parental notification and authority in cases involving transgender children, the United Kingdom is embroiled in a controversy over a law that would not only limit parental authority in such cases but affirmatively require parents to pay for such transitioning,” he explained. 

“According to the U.K.’s Code for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), abusive conduct now includes ‘withholding money for transitioning [and] refusing to use their preferred name or pronoun.’ So a parent with familial or religious objections to the transitioning of a child would be required under the law to fund operations or treatments.

“To potentially prosecute a parent for refusing to use an adopted pronoun of their child is chilling and wrong.”

So even if the parents didn’t fully agree with said “transition” of child, if they refuse to support them with that, they could be held liable.

How could such a law be put into place? And more importantly, could other regions consider it as well? Speaking with us now about the matter is Michael Lee Mason, the founder of FreeFiltering.org, an internet filtering service that protects children from websites that promote pornography and LGBT lifestyles as healthy. His expertise will certainly be helpful with this topic.


  1. Why do you think the UK put such an absurd law into place, punishing parents who refuse to support their child with “transition”?
  2. Whose idea do you believe the law was? Do you believe the UK is going too far to enforce it?
  3. Is there a possibility that other regions could consider putting such a law into effect? Could we see it in the United States at any extent?
  4. Where do you think the blame really lies when it comes to children being convinced to “transition”?
  5. Tell us more about FreeFiltering.org, and why you felt the need to put the website together.
  6. We understand you’re doing a promotion, offering free tickets to the film Sound of Freedom. What inspired you to take part in such a promotion, and why is it an important film to see?
  7. Where can people learn more about FreeFiltering.org?

Simply visit the website at https://freefiltering.org/#LGBTQ.

About Michael Lee Mason…

Michael Lee Mason is the founder of FreeFiltering.org, a service that provides free internet filtering for home Wi-Fi, based on traditional Christian values. The service proudly blocks Pride, Porn, and Pro-Abortion websites, in order to protect kids from being groomed into a life of sin. Before beginning his entrepreneurial career, he was the lead singer in the Air Force’s premier country band in Washington, D.C., where he performed for the President, Supreme Court Justices, and senior military brass. 

A veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom & Operation Iraqi Freedom, he entertained deployed troops around the world. After discovering his home internet filters were not protecting his children from websites devoted to normalizing sin, he went looking for an alternative solution. Finding no one willing to admit that they blocked socially-acceptable sin, he developed a solution to help families fight back.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, call Jerry McGlothlin at 919-437-0001 or by email at: geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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