Special Guests

Pittsburgh City Council considering “Woke” Bill Banning Police Traffic Stops Guest: Michael Letts

The Pittsburgh City Council is considering a “woke” bill that will ban the city’s police officers from making traffic stops for minor offenses. The Tribune-Review reported, “the controversial legislation was created to make traffic stops more ‘equitable and fair.’”

National Police Association responded, calling it “a tremendous insult to the Pittsburgh police officers who risk their safety and lives for the citizens of the city,” adding, “When you diminish law enforcement, you diminish law and order.”

Weighing in on this issue is Police officer Michael Letts, founder of InVest USA, a charitable organization that provides Active Shooter Vests to police and other First Responders.


1.) Tells us what’s happening with “woke” mentality in Pittsburgh that we might expect in San Francisco but not in a Steel Town.

2.) Why is it anti-cop to pass an ordinance prohibiting law enforcement from making stops for minor traffic violations?

A.) It prohibits and politicizes law enforcement by allowing selective prosecution of the law.

3.) Does the Pittsburgh city council understand the consequences of this just passed ordinance?

A.) Yes, the councilman that proposed the ordinance stated that minor traffic stops lead to escalations in black communities…..(they find other violations like weapons and drugs and then resist)

4.) What can citizens do to help make their communities safer?

A.) Publically denounce such poor judgment and rhetoric by elected officials.

5.) What is InVestUSA doing to help officers in these communities?

A.) Providing Active shooter vests and support to those sworn to protect us.

Michael A. Letts President/CEO

6.) What can individuals or communities do to assist InVest USA and our First Responders?

A) Visit https://www.investusa.org/

GUEST: Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots nonprofit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Celinda Hawkins or Jerry McGlothlin at Special Guests PR Agency at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com.

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