Special Guests

Hamas Aligns with LGBTQ at DNC (Guest: David Rubin)

People Should Not Try to Make Sense out of Protests that Make No Sense

When it comes to Hamas, the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, hatred of homosexuals and transgenders is well known. Yet, when it comes to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Hamas will be joining the LGBTQ movement in a common cause. Both are apparently seeking the extermination of the Jews, as one side (LGBTQ) appears oblivious to the fact it’s as much of a target, it’s just that it’s comprised of useful idiots for Hamas.

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, who himself was a victim of terrorism is well aware of Hamas’ true motives. “Why are there so many anti-Israel protests outside the DNC, as opposed to the relative quiet outside the RNC?” Rubin asks rhetorically.

Chicago has long been a hotbed for Muslim Brotherhood operatives, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). A notorious figure in the city is a man named Jamal Said, Principal Imam and Director of the Mosque Foundation. Said has been identified being affiliated with Hamas.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that with such a following in Chicago, there are growing concerns about Hamas protests outside the Democrat National Convention there. The dynamics surrounding the convention provide hypocrisy and irony so palpable, it could choke a dead terrorist.

Putting an even finer point on it, Rubin further questions the need for Hamas to protest, if the DNC platform calls for a two-state solution. “If the Democratic platform is so supportive of the two-state solution, what are the Hamas protesters protesting?” Rubin asks. Perhaps as has been alleged all along, Hamas doesn’t want a two-state solution at all. Perhaps it wants the extermination of an entire race.

Perhaps the best question to ask at a convention that doesn’t make much sense involves asking Kamala Harris to clearly state where she stands on the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Maybe if she did, we could determine why Hamas is protesting her party’s convention.

Book an interview with David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel


1.) Is Hamas and the LGBTQ movement aligning against the Jewish state? Can you elaborate on how these two groups, with fundamentally different ideologies, are supposedly collaborating?
2.) You’ve mentioned that Hamas’ involvement in protests outside the DNC is significant. What specific evidence or incidents have led you to conclude that Hamas is actively involved in these protests?
3.) In your view, why are there more anti-Israel protests outside the DNC compared to the RNC? What factors contribute to this discrepancy?
4.) Chicago has a known history with Muslim Brotherhood operatives. How do you assess the influence of figures like Jamal Said on local and national politics?
5.) Given the DNC’s platform supporting a two-state solution, why do you believe Hamas is protesting? Do you think there’s a disconnect between Hamas’ objectives and the political platform of the Democratic Party?
6.) How do you respond to those who argue that the presence of Hamas protesters at the DNC could be more about broader geopolitical strategies rather than direct opposition to the Democratic platform?
7.) What role do you believe figures like Kamala Harris should play in addressing the concerns of both Israeli and Palestinian communities in the context of the DNC?
8.) You’ve described the situation as having palpable irony. Could you explain this irony in more detail, particularly how it relates to the actions and rhetoric of the involved parties?
9.) What impact do you think Hamas’ protests and the broader political dynamics around the DNC could have on U.S.-Israel relations?
10.) How should U.S. political parties address the issue of anti-Israel sentiments and terrorism in their platforms and public statements to avoid hypocrisy and ensure clarity?

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, founder of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, a charity providing support for child victims of terrorism. Mayor Rubin is an expert on Middle Eastern affairs and is a noted author of many books, including “Trump and The Jews”. David has written extensively on the geopolitical dynamics of the region and is a frequent commentator on popular radio and television news outlets. Rubin’s insights are grounded in his direct experience and deep understanding of the historical and political landscape of the Middle East.

The Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund was established to heal the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks. We provide therapeutic, educational, and recreational programs to help these children regain a sense of normalcy. For more information or to support our work, please visit Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann of Special Guests Publicity
512-966-0983 / Todd@SpecialGuests.com

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