Special Guests

OLYMPIC-SIZE DISORDER (Guest: Philip Zodhiates)

Grooming Children the Obvious Goal at Opening Ceremony in Paris


Grooming Children the Obvious Goal in Paris, at Opening Ceremony

At the opening ceremony of the Olympics, the agenda was clear. That agenda was about blaspheming Christianity and grooming children. The people behind it are afflicted with the basest of human perversions. The reach of the Olympics is significant. There is only one thing that can come of this type of display, says Philip Zodhiates.

Normalizing blasphemy, pedophilia and deviant behavior.

According to a PEW research poll, cited by Dr. Robert Malone, many adolescents and young adults are developing unhealthy sexual behaviors. According to Zodhiates, a Christian grandfather who was sent to federal prison for three years for what he says, was his protection of a young girl from sexually abusive behavior.

Zodhiates is now being targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which he says is trying to promote and protect the same types of deviant behavior

Lawfare is alive and well in the United States, this time in Vermont. It’s being waged by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Even after Philip Zodhiates and three others were sent to prison for protecting a child, the SPLC still sees an opportunity for continued persecution.

The SPLC’s infamous “Hate List” is long. It consists of many groups opposed to child abuse and include the Family Research Council, Moms for Liberty, Gays Against Groomers, and many others.

The defendant, Zodhiates, a Christian, father, grandfather, businessman, is innocently caught in the crosshairs of the SPLC, as they go about setting a legal precedent that appears to be seeking to normalize adult-child sex.

Here are the facts of the case:
• Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller entered a Vermont ‘civil union’
• Lisa gave birth to daughter, Isabella
• Lisa abandoned lesbianism and became a committed Christian after witnessing what she says indicates the sexual abuse of Isabella by Janet
• A Vermont Family Court Judge blocked all evidence of abuse and awarded Janet unsupervised visitation with Janet; appeals were denied
• Lisa fled the country with Isabella, to Central America
• Four years after Lisa and Isabella left, Jenkins, backed with the financial support of SLPC, launched a legal campaign against Miller and those trying to help her

Now, after spending years in federal prison, a member of the Zodhiates family is now also being sued and has been deposed for the September Vermont trial.

“What became clear to me, sitting through the depositions,” said Philip Zodhiates, “is that Southern Poverty Law Center believes any child to be fair game for sexual predators. If they win this case, I don’t believe any child will be safe anymore. To prove my point, SPLC just added the group Gays Against Groomers to their infamous ‘hate’ list, merely for seeking to protect children from abuse. This case is not about ‘gay rights’ at all but obtaining access to our children and grandchildren.”

The horrors this “normalization” will mean for children and grandchildren in future families, as well as those already involved in Family Courts, is incalculable and life threatening.

This case would have been unthinkable just a few years ago but is being pursued by the SPLC to further normalize child-adult sex within our culture. No civilization that adopts adult-child sex has or will survive.

Philip Zodhiates is the author of Innocent: The Price One Man Paid for Doing What is Right. (Available at Amazon and other booksellers). Written almost entirely while serving a 3-year term in Federal Prison, the book explores Philip’s prison experience and breaks down SPLC’s precedent setting strategy which may be awarded a victory in a September Burlington, Vermont Federal courtroom.


1.) Why are institutions like the Olympics so boldly pushing these deviant behaviors?
2.) Is it true that the SPLC is seeking to normalize these same types of behaviors?
3.) Without going into too much detail, what evidence of sexual abuse was suppressed in the federal trial?
4.) After serving years in federal prison, on what grounds is SPLC using to file a civil suit?
5.) Why is the SPLC so interested in only taking on “precedent-setting cases”?
6.) What do the rulings in these courts mean for the future of children in America?
7.) How old was Isabella when the alleged abuse started?
8.) How old is Isabella now? What does she say happened?
9.) Where may we find your book, Innocent: The Price One Man Paid for Doing What is Right
a. Amazon.com: Innocent: The Price One Man Paid for Doing What Is Right eBook : Zodhiates, Philip: Kindle Store

Philip Zodhiates is the author of “Innocent, The Price One Man Paid for Doing What is Right” (Available at Amazon and other booksellers). Written almost entirely while serving a 3-year term in Federal Prison, the book explores Philip’s prison experience. It breaks down SPLC’s precedent-setting strategy, which may be awarded a victory in a September Burlington, VN Federal Courtroom.

For Interviews with Zodhiates, CONTACT: Todd Baumann 512-966-0983 or todd@specialguests.com

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