Special Guests

Would They Complain if Amy Coney Barrett Were Jewish?

Former Israel Mayor David Rubin is available via Skype, Zoom, phone

Trump has proven to be faithful to his voters by nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett as the new Supreme Court justice, replacing the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Even before the appointment, which must be approved by the Senate to be confirmed, the attacks on her conservative record and her Catholic religious beliefs were fast and furious.  

This harsh response raises a question that should be obvious: Would they have complained if Judge Barrett were Jewish? How about if she were a Muslim, or an atheist?

Here to discuss this is David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh in Israel, an American-Israeli, and author of “Trump and the Jews”.

Suggested Q&A:

  1. Do you see Judge Barrett’s strong Catholic beliefs as problematic? An appointee’s religious beliefs should only be considered problematic if they contradict the Constitution. That does not seem at all to be the case here, so all the hysteria is totally unjustified.
  1. Did you think we would see similar opposition from the Democrats to Barrett if she were Jewish? That would depend on what kind of Jew you are referring to. If Trump nominated an Orthodox Jew, meaning a Jew with conservative religious beliefs, as opposed to a secular liberal like Ginsburg, there would absolutely be strong opposition and that, too would be totally unacceptable.
  1. Democrats like Senator Diane Feinstein have said that anyone with strong “religious dogma” cannot judge cases objectively. How do you respond to such charges? Everyone has dogma, but not everyone is dogmatic. Muslims and Atheists and Liberals also have their own dogma. As long as the Supreme Court judges each case based on the Constitution as it is written, there should be no issue. That should be the criteria, regardless of one’s religious beliefs.
  1. Are you saying that there is a double standard when it comes to conservative judges? Absolutely. The liberal judges that were appointed by Obama never had the same kind of unfair scrutiny, even though they had personal beliefs, as well.  Coney Barrett is an outstanding jurist with impeccable credentials and character. On that basis, she should fly through the confirmation process.
  1. Your book, “Trump and the Jews” discusses some of the double standards that conservatives have faced and how President Trump is changing that. Where can our viewers/listeners get a copy?  They can get a copy at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com or go to Amazon and type in the words, Trump and the Jews.

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the book, “Trump and the Jews” and five other books. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. 

He can be found at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com  or at http://www.ShilohIsraelChildren.org     

CONTACT: Rachel Ford rford.specialguests@gmail.com or Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com   

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