Special Guests

Will Israel’s Proposed “Tactical Pause” Earn Goodwill From Others, or Is the Damage Already Done? (Guest: Ronald Stetton)

The author of The Prophet discusses the country’s latest strategy, and wonders if it will result in a turnaround of criticism against Netanyahu.

Israel is facing a great deal of criticism in its battle against Hamas, which has resulted in hundreds of casualties and finger-pointing at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But a new move may be an attempt by the country to earn some goodwill.

The country’s military has announced that it will put a “tactical pause” into action during daytime hours in parts of southern Gaza, in an effort to deliver humanitarian aid as needed. This will be along 7.4 miles of road in the Rafah area, where fighting will likely continue.

This follows strikes that have resulted in many innocent lives lost, including several humanitarian workers. These have painted Netanyahu in a somewhat negative light with other countries, including the United States. But with this move, it may be trying to earn some praise back, while keeping up its assault against Hamas.

But the real question is if the tactic will work, or if the damage is already too great to overcome.

Joining us now to discuss this further is Ronald Stetton, author of the book The Prophet. It details the scriptural connection between much of what we see today across the four corners of the Earth. His particular field of study is Islam and the Qur’an, and where the Bible foretold much of what we are witnessing today.

Thank you for joining us, Ronald.


  1. What are your thoughts on this “tactical pause” that Israel’s military is putting in place?
  2. Does it have a chance to take negative light off the country and Netanyahu’s actions? Or is the damage done?
  3. How tough is it to put “tactical pause” into consideration in a situation like this – especially when some people may not be able to classify Palestinian people to be different from Hamas terrorists?
  4. There are reports that Netanyahu is against this “tactical pause.” What are your thoughts on this?
  5. Where do you see the battle between Hamas and Israel going in the months ahead? Will it get worse before it gets better?
  6. It appears that Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis, and Iraq’s Islamic jihad are increasing their terror tactics against Israel while Iran adds to its current stockpile of near weapons-grade enriched uranium. With knives out and all of its neighbors pursuing the end of Israel and the Jewish people, why is it that the world’s majority continues to point the finger of blame at Israel?
  7. You wrote a book called The Prophet. Tell us more about it, and how it managed to foretell what’s currently happening in the world today.
  8. Where can those interested find a copy of The Prophet?
    1. You can find it here on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format.

About Ronald Stetton:

Author of “The Prophet,” Stetton offers a riveting perspective on the changing definition of truth in our times, where emotions supersede factual accuracies, creating societal delusions. Ronald’s work asserts that this deviation from reality is a sign of the ‘Last Days’ as per ancient biblical prophecies, offering a compelling analysis of how the world refuses to recognize its Biblical role.  

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or jerry@specialguests.com.

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