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Why Sound of Freedom Is Such an Important Film Right Now, Despite Its Naysayers

Author Richard Ferguson provides his unique perspective on the hit Angel Studios film.

In just a matter of days, Angel Studios’ Sound of Freedom has become a massive success at the box office.

Initially produced by 20th Century Fox before the rights were purchased by Angel, the $14-million drama starring Jim Caviezel has managed to make over $53 million at the box office. And it shows no signs of slowing down.

The film deals with a topic that Hollywood rarely touches – child trafficking – as it tells the true story of Tim Ballard. He’s a former government agent who devotes his life to rescuing children that have been kidnapped or sold into sex trafficking. While it’s not an easy subject for everyone, it has resulted in compelling filmmaking – to the point that thousands are buying movie tickets for others through a “Pay It Forward” program so they may see it.

That said, it has its fair share of critics. Some dismiss the film as mere “QAnon fantasy,” insisting that Caviezel is merely using it as a vessel to convey a message for the controversial group. CNN even posted a recent interview, where the subjects discuss more of the “QAnon” themes (which aren’t even present in the film) than the point of its existence.

So why is Sound of Freedom such a vital film right now? Here to discuss it further is  Richard Ferguson, a Christian minister and theologian. Ferguson is also the author of the book God’s Grand Design of All Creation For Your Redemptionwhich is available for purchase here. His expertise will certainly prove useful in this matter.


  1. Why is Sound of Freedom such an important film right now?
  2. How does this reflect on your own personal beliefs of freedom?
  3. There’s been a great deal of criticism surrounding Sound of Freedom. What would you say to the naysayers that brush it off as something “QAnon” related?
  4. Tell us more about your book, God’s Grand Design of All Creation For Your Redemption, and what motivated you to write it.
  5. Where can we learn more about you and your written works?

You can visit my official website at https://gatewaytogod.us.

About Richard Ferguson…

Richard Ferguson has been described as a modern renaissance man. His academic career includes a degree in chemistry with a minor in philosophy and theology, a master’s degree in business and a Master’s degree in theology and pastoral ministry. Within the healing arts, he also is a reiki master and also flies his own airplane. He started this life in rough neighborhoods and had a very rough childhood. After growing up from that, his first of many Godly mystical experiences started to happen thirty years ago in an airplane over the Pacific. Ever since then he has been a spiritual seeker for God’s truth of all creation. As a result, he has been engaged in on-going studies of astronomy, cosmology, quantum physics, theology, other religious traditions. This is what propelled him toward a Graduate Degree in Theology and Pastoral Ministry. God has blessed Richard with certain spiritual gifts that have enriched his life and those around him. During his graduate studies in theology and pastoral ministry he realized that most people suffer from a too small and distorted view of God and Creation. He says creation is far different and vastly more wonderful than people can perceive. He became convinced that this was a tragedy and wanted to contribute a more open view of God and Creation based on real life experiences to all those who did not have the luxury of his background and academic studies. 

Ferguson is also an author, having previously written A Real Life Christian Spiritual Journey and The Divine Resting On My Shoulder. His current book, God’s Grand Design of All Creation For Your Redemptionis available now.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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