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Why Is President Biden Once Again Pushing For an All-Out Ban On “Assault Weapons” When a More Viable Solution Should Be Explored? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for Gun Owners of America explains why Biden should take a closer look at Constitutional-Carry, despite objections from fellow Democrats.

The “active shooter” event in Maine this week has truly been heartbreaking, with a lone suspect killing at least 18 people and injuring more than 14 others. Though the hunt for him is over, President Joe Biden sees the tragedy as an opportunity to push for his “ban assault weapons” cause.

The President wrote a statement to Congress on Thursday afternoon, urging his fellow Republicans to “finally listen to reason” as it were and vote to ban “assault weapons” once and for all, in an effort to “fulfill their duty to protect the American people.”

Biden noted in a statement, “Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers. This is the very least we owe every American who will now bear the scars — physical and mental — of this latest attack.”

But the real question is this – why is Biden focusing on a solution that’s “the very least”? Most states that have tried to pass “gun bans” in their state have seen them quickly overturned, thanks to the presence of the Second Amendment – a document that gives everyone the right to bear arms.

So what can be done? Concealed-Carry, or Constitutional-Carry as some call it. Joining us now to discuss this report further is Stephen Willeford, the spokesman for the Gun Owners of America. You may recall he was also the “Hero with a Gun” in the 2017 Sutherland Springs incident, and he has since written a book about the matter. His expertise will certainly be useful in this matter.


  1. So, why wouldn’t an all-out “ban” on “assault weapons” work? Are they just too easy to obtain now, or could the ban actually make people even more violent?
  2. It seems that such a “ban” would actually go against the Second Amendment, and likely be knocked down anyway. Why do you think some states (and for that matter, Biden) don’t understand that?
  3. You’ve talked about the effectiveness of Constitutional-Carry (or Concealed-Carry) for the longest time. Why do you think it’s a strong defense against “active shooter” events?
  4. What argument would you have for those that feel that Concealed-Carry would just lead to “more guns on the streets”?
  5. Do you think Biden’s plea for an “assault weapons” ban will get any traction at all? Or are there way too many Republicans who think on the same level as pro-gun groups, seeing the value of the Second Amendment?
  6. You recently wrote a book called A Town Called Sutherland Springs: Faith and Heroism Through Tragedy, revolving around your 2017 “hero with a gun” situation. Tell us more about how this came together, and why it’s such an important read right now.
  7. Where can people find your book?
    1. You can purchase the book here on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle format.
  8. Where can we learn more about you, as well as Gun Owners of America?
    1. You can learn more at http://www.thebarefootdefender.com. You can also read more about the Gun Owners of America at https://www.gunowners.org/.  

About Stephen Willeford…

Stephen represents Gun Owners of America and is known around the country as the “good guy with the gun” for helping stop the largest Texas mass shooting in the history of the state in 2017. He is available to speak about all gun rights issues, as well as the importance of Gun Owners of America. You can read more about him at http://www.thebarefootdefender.com

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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