Special Guests

Why Evangelicals Must Vote in the Upcoming Election (Guest: Sid Roth)

Interview Opportunity with Sid Roth

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Sid Roth, a well-known Christian evangelist and the host of ‘Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural,’ which reaches about 3 million viewers daily. Sid is here to discuss why it is essential for evangelicals to turn out in full force on Election Day. Welcome, Sid.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

1) Sid, why do you believe it’s so crucial for evangelical Christians to vote in this upcoming election?
Sid Roth: Many Trump supporters may feel confident that he will win regardless of their vote, but this sense of security is misplaced. The outcome could be extremely close, and the turnout of evangelical Christians could be the decisive factor.

2) What do you say to those who support Trump but may feel their vote isn’t needed?
Sid Roth: The stakes are incredibly high in this election. If evangelicals stay home, we could see policies that are contrary to biblical values continue for another eight years.

3) Why should evangelicals vote for Trump, despite some of the controversies surrounding his personality?
Sid Roth: It’s not about his personality—it’s about the positions he holds. Trump is a staunch supporter of Israel, advocates for pro-life policies, defends the Second Amendment, upholds traditional family values, and champions personal responsibility and limited government.

4) How do Trump’s positions align with the values that evangelical Christians hold dear?
Sid Roth: Trump’s policies on Israel, life, and religious freedom are in direct alignment with what evangelicals believe and pray for. His administration has made significant strides in defending the rights of Christians in America.

5) What are your concerns with Kamala Harris and the policies she represents?
Sid Roth: Kamala Harris represents views that are often at odds with evangelical beliefs. She has shown little support for Israel, is radically pro-abortion, endorses surgical gender changes, and opposes many principles that evangelicals hold sacred.

6) Do you think the media’s portrayal of Trump has impacted evangelical voters?
Sid Roth: Absolutely. The media often highlights controversies while downplaying the achievements that matter to evangelicals, like his defense of religious freedom and pro-life policies.

7) How significant is the evangelical vote in determining the outcome of this election?
Sid Roth: The evangelical vote is critical. If they turn out in large numbers, Trump has a strong chance of winning. If not, the election could easily swing in the other direction.

8) What would you say to evangelicals who are considering sitting out this election?
Sid Roth: I would urge them to consider the long-term consequences of not voting. Staying home is not an option if we want to preserve the values that are foundational to our faith and our country.
9) Sid, what are some ways evangelicals can get involved beyond just voting?
Sid Roth: Evangelicals can volunteer for campaigns, pray for the nation, and encourage others in their community to vote. Every action counts in this critical time.

10) How can your viewers and listeners learn more about your work and where they can watch ‘Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural’?
Sid Roth: They can visit SidRoth.com to find more information about our programs, resources, and how to get involved.

Sid Roth is the host of ‘Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural,’ a television program that reaches about 3 million viewers daily. He is a Christian evangelist dedicated to spreading the message of the supernatural power of God and encouraging believers to stand firm in their faith, especially in these critical times.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann
Phone: 512-966-0983 Email: todd@specialguests.com

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