Special Guests

Why Did Chinese Agents Try To Bribe the IRS Into Investigating the Shen Yun Group?

A representative for the popular show discusses the mere thought that unregistered agents would make such an attempt.

It’s no secret that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) isn’t too fond of what’s happening with the ongoing Shen Yun show, especially as it celebrates classic Chinese culture. However, a new report suggests that two Chinese nationals tried to go as far as to bribe a government agency to look further into them.

According to the report, the two nationals recently confirmed that they were trying to bribe an official of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to revoke the tax-exempt status of Falun Gong, the group behind the popular show.

The only problem? They didn’t try to bribe an IRS agent. Instead, they tried to bribe an undercover officer. Both have since pleaded guilty to one count of acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government and one count of bribing a public official. Sentencing will take place next month.

The two noted that they promised multiple payments of several thousand dollars each and at least $50,000 for some kind of audit. They were reportedly working closely with the People’s Republic of China to “carry out the PRC government’s aim of toppling…the Falun Gong.”

Are the CCP really sinking so low as to have agents try to carry out acts like this? A representative for the Shen Yun group joins us now to discuss the matter further.


  1. Are you surprised at all about this report surrounding two agents trying to bribe an IRS official for an audit of Falun Gong?
  2. Are the CCP really going so far as to try and take actions such as these to shut down Shen Yun? Are they really that intimidated by the show and its message?
  3. What do you think they could possibly attempt next? What would you say is the worst thing that they tried to do thus far?
  4. How have things been going since the publication of the New York Times piece that ran back in August? Have you seen any feedback from that?
  5. How will Shen Yun push forward with its message from the show as it continues to book new dates?
  6. Where can we learn more about Shen Yun?
    1. You can visit the official website here, which has details about the show and upcoming dates. 


Levi Browde

Levi Browde | The Epoch Times

Levi Browde serves as the Executive Director with the New York-based Falun Dafa Information Center – an organization dedicated to ending the human rights abuses against people who practice Falun Gong in China.

Over the past 20 years, Browde has been interviewed and quoted by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, CNN, the Associated PressTIME Magazine, BBC, AFP, and other media outlets. He has spoken about Falun Gong and human rights in China at briefings on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, at the United Nations human rights sessions in Geneva, Switzerland.

Browde studied East Asian Studies at Wesleyan University and is an avid supporter of traditional Chinese culture. He founded several software start-ups, and lives in New York with his wife and two sons.

Samples of Levi on camera:

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