Special Guests

Why are Liberals So Passionate about wanting to Keep Kids out of School?

Intro: There is a lot in the news lately about Fall school schedules. In more conservative areas you are seeing announcements that schools opening on schedule. But in more liberal big city areas, you see the double-edge sword of school closures and proposed remote learning.

On one hand progressives in cities hope to keep Trump on the ropes until the November elections. But on the other hand, they are opening the door to homeschooling and other alternative educational solutions, embraced by conservatives which may backfire on them.

Joining us to help make sense of this conundrum is Scott Dow, founder of AmericaU. 


  1. What is there to gain by keeping schools closed or to hinder an economic comeback?

Answer: Liberals want to destroy America as we know it and they know that if they keep kids out of school – they get a 3 for 1 deal, as easy as ABC. A: they will hurt our kids and their chances to prosper, B: They will also saddle “families with kids” (whom they despise) with an undue burden of taking care of their children, and C: They will keep the COVID forces raging against President Trump come election day.

  1. For decades, conservatives have ceded control of the education system to liberals and what we’re seeing on our streets today and in the mainstream media is a byproduct of that. Right or wrong?

Answer: Absolutely right. Liberals have done a pretty good job at “educating” the upcoming generations to hate what America stands for and the American Dream. So why not keep them in school where they can keep indoctrinating them? Because they want their agenda to move even faster and deliver a knockout punch in November by disrupting the education of our children.  

  1. Do you think the general public will see through this apparent charade?

Answer. Yes. Liberals have tipped their hand, showing the general population that taking care of the kids is not their top priority. They think conservatives are too stupid to see the opening that they’ve left us, and that they can just forge ahead with their plan to accelerate the destruction of America.

  1. So, what can parents do to help show the situation for what it is?

Answer: We have a choice – we can either sit around the campfire and bellyache about the problem and sit and watch it happen before our eyes, or we can roll up our sleeves and get to work solving it – starting today! I say we should take advantage of this opening the liberals have left us. 

  1. But how is the timing in organizing conservatives in the middle of a pandemic when jobs are scares, companies floundering, and more quantum shifts that we can count?

Answer: We have no choice and typically conservatives and entrepreneurs prosper under pressure. 5-10 years ago we wouldn’t have been able to do this, but now we have the right technologies and people’s behaviors have changed – the technologies that have enabled companies like Amazon and Google to go direct to the customer, have helped change their consuming behavior. Now we can use those same technologies and leverage the changed consumer behavior and go directly to the family with education alternatives that motivate kids and their families to learn how to live the American Dream – which is simply how to create wealth and be free.

  1. Is it over simplifying things to say conservatives want us independent of government, including government schools, while liberals want us dependent on government, particularly big government, including the indoctrination of our youth in schools?

Answer: That is actually spot on. Liberals don’t want us to do to decentralize. They would like us to be dependent on the government and do what they tell us to do. But when you think of it, the stakes couldn’t be higher or the time better to engage in the worthy fight to get our kids back to learning again—not the psycho babble or political correctness, but rather the basics, including learning how to thing for themselves.

  1. And thinking for themselves is the first step to becoming a future entrepreneur, right?

Answer: Agreed. Our position is that regardless of whether your child or grandchild’s school is opening, you, as the responsible adult, needs to implement an “education insurance policy” that ensures your child is being taught how to live the American Dream and be a global leader, including many businessmen of the future, competing in a world market. 

8) Tell us more about the curriculum, concepts, and costs of your organization AmericaU. 

Answer: Our proposed solutions at AmericaU include getting kids get the right education, parents back to work, America to improve its education, and retain our superpower status including beating China at their game on their unlevel playing field of Communist-controled pseudo capitalism.

  1.  You are on a roll; tell us more:


  • 8 years ago, we set out to create a family-driven, game-based learning platform that would help us take back some control of the education of our kids. Back then we saw where this was heading and today we find ourselves in that exact situation we saw. The platform is called AmericaU and you can find it at www.AmericaU.com. It doesn’t try to replace education as most people are still going to send their kids to schools – but its a supplement that might take 30-60 minutes a day of game-based learning – its kind of like playing Minecraft while learning the critical life-skills they’re not teaching in schools.
  • We’ve educated over 10 million kids around the world over the past 8 years and have been researched by organizations like Harvard University who has proven our platform to be an excellent way for kids and parents to learn together.
  • We are global leaders and know how to help families take back control of what their family is learning – and our resources are now focused on this window of opportunity between now and the Nov election to help families take back control of education and flip decades of work and liberal control to our favor.
  • This is how we help ourselves and Trump!
  1. What do the kids and adults do in AmericaU that can take back control of education?


The platform is for primary school age kids. They are in the game with other kids from around the world, learning and working together to create wealth, health, good character and learning real history and civics. They want to be there – as it is a game for them.

  • The parents and grandparents don’t have to do much of anything. They can see the assessments of what their child has accomplished and reward them for those accomplishments. We’ve created the technology to help the parents and grandparents connect and be more relevant in the kids digital world without having to take a lot of time.
  • If you want to win the battle out there, then we need to get to the root of the problem – education. Otherwise we’ll continue to see this never-ending parade of liberal educated zombies coming at us – and throwing themselves to take down America…
  • The frontlines of that battle are in our liberal controlled schools right now. By taking back control of 30-60 minutes of that education and teaching the correct principles and how to identify an anti-American teaching, then it can happen. At this point its just a matter of how many families we can get on board and taking action.
  1. How may those in our audience take action and get started?


  • We’ve made it really easy for the grandparents to provide a scholarship for their grandkids. If you go to www.americau.com/(talk show name) and go to the signup page, you will see where you can pay for the annual or monthly tuition for your grandchild. Its just $500/yr or $50/month, which is a great deal considering the educational value, the life-skills learning and university certificates they are getting.
  • Just put your credit card in and then we’ll take it from there. We’ll contact you and get the information for your grandchild and then connect with them to get them set up for the year. Your’re already spending a lot on them – you might as well make it something they want and need.
  • If for whatever reason the learning isn’t working for your grandchild, you will be refunded 100% of your money.
  • We’ll also add to your grandchild’s scholarship, one other student from a disadvantaged neighborhood in the US – these are the kids that hold the key to those inner-city communities lifting themselves up. Education is the solution to the whole Black Lives Matter thing – and your grandchild can be part of the solution the liberals hate – teaching families how to live the American Dream!
  • Go to the site www.americau.com now to start acting to save America!


Scott Dow is founder of AmericaU, a consortium of family education and technology experts that have engaged millions of families around the world and delivered millions of learning hours to students and their families around the world.

The team Scott leads consists of around 40 experts in game-based learning, wealth creation, health and wellness, 21st century skills and good character development.  They have provided learning to a total of 10 million K-6 students over the years.

Their goal is to have parents and children work together to create the world’s largest and most impactful global learning community for kids and their families, resulting in kids making the world a better place by becoming better themselves. 

CONTACT: Rachel Ford of Special Guests at rford.specialguests@gmail.com or Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001

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