Special Guests

Why Are Corporations Surrendering Control of their Advertising and Messaging to Radical Left Wing Organizations? (Guest: Kevin Stocklin)

The Epoch Times’ Kevin Stocklin explains how radical left-wing organizations have taken over advertising and public messaging for U.S. corporations. 

Business advertising and messaging has historically been an effort to expand its customers base in order to make the company more profitable. In recent years, however, advertising and messaging has become a way to push a political agenda, often at the cost of losing customers. 

Examples of this include Coca Cola and Delta Airlines fighting against voter ID laws in Georgia that people across all races and political parties overwhelmingly support; Disney fighting parents’ rights laws in Florida; and more recently Bud Light’s transgender campaign. 

Surveys showed that one-third of consumers said they were less likely to buy Coke products as a result; Disney experienced lackluster interest in its streaming program Disney+, and Anheuser Busch has seen boycotts of its beer brands.

Who is driving corporations to become politicized at the expense of their shareholders, and why do so many CEOs go along with this agenda?

Here now to discuss the matter further is Kevin Stocklin, an investigative reporter for The Epoch Times. He recently published a piece discussing how left-wing causes are infiltrating corporate advertising, so his expertise will certainly be welcome in this matter.


  1. Why would corporate executives agree to publicity campaigns that are likely to alienate some of their customers?
  2. What is driving the politicization of companies and why are they always being pulled to the left in support of progressive messaging?
  3. Are shareholders beginning to fight back, as stock prices take a hit?
  4. What risks are CEOs running when they hurt corporate brands or underperform in their share prices?
  5. How does all this fit with the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) movement we are hearing so much about lately?
  6. Speaking of the ESG industry, you produced a new documentary called The Shadow State, which discusses its impact on the world market. Tell us more about it, and how the “woke” state of mind with some businesses have such a strong effect for it.
  7. here can people view The Shadow State? We understand there’s also a DVD release coming soon as well?

The Shadow State is available right now on Epoch TV. Those interested in pre-ordering the DVD for release can do so here.

8. Where can we find your recent article about this subject on The Epoch Times, as well as other works you’ve written?

You can find my profile page here, with all my recently written articles, including a piece on what you’re not being told about the Electric Vehicle revolution.

About Kevin Stocklin:

Kevin Stocklin is a writer, film producer, and former investment banker. He wrote and produced We All Fall Down: The American Mortgage Crisis, a 2008 documentary on the collapse of the U.S. mortgage finance system.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.  

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