Special Guests

What is the future of diagnostic testing and potential cures for COVID-19?

Dan O’Brien, MD via phone, Zoom or Skype from St. Louis

Every day it seems we hear an even more dire aspect of the ‘new normal’ in the coronavirus pandemic. But what is the future of diagnostic testing and potential cures for COVID-19? Joining us in this discussion is Dr. Dan MD. 


Dr. Dan question: What are your thoughts regarding the importance of diagnostic testing?

Dr. Dan answer: It is important to have reliable, accurate, precise, and reproducible diagnostic testing. COVID-19 might continue on each year in the future so it’s important to have a diagnostic test that has a high negative predictive value in order to rule out a disease, and also it’s important to ensure you don’t have false negatives or false positives with a particular diagnostic test.

Dr. Dan question: Will diagnostic testing for COVID-19 be like getting a pregnancy test where you can get walk into just about any store and pick up a diagnostic kit?

Dr. Dan answer: Yes. As more waves potentially show up each year with COVID-19 just like colds and the flu, the diagnostic testing for COVID-19 will be part of routine testing, and it will be important to have the proper testing surveillance in place to help protect the population.

Dr. Dan question: How close are we to a cure for this?

Dr. Dan answer: There are many theories out there right now, but it’s important to gather all the data and make informed decisions.  Certain drugs like hydroxychoroquine may not work, and maybe others that treat mountain sickness like azetazolamide might be the answer.

Dr. Dan question: Do you then agree with the potential theory which mentioned patients are not dying of pneumonia but rather acute respiratory distress syndrome, and are the COVID-19 symptoms similar to mountain sickness?

Dr. Dan answer:  This is an interesting statement and certainly makes sense since the ventilators in some cases are not working. 

Dr. Dan question: Do you find the symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to being at high altitude and somebody who has mountain sickness?

Dr. Dan answer: Hiker, skiers, and the adventurous individuals who travel to high altitudes may tell us a lot about COVID-19.  Symptoms of acute mountain sickness may include coughing, chest congestion, shortness of breath due to fluid in the lungs, and dizziness.  With COVID-19 we are finding that dry cough and shortness of breath are particular symptoms as well. Even looking at the medications that treat COVID-19, researchers have looked at blood pressure medications, which ironically are used to treat altitude sickness as well. 

Dr Dan question: Where may we get more information on you and articles you have written on COVID-19?

Dr. Dan answer: At DrDanMd.com or on Twitter @DrDanMd1

About Dr. Dan O’Brien: 

Dr. Dan is a medical expert for ‘the here and now’ but he’s also a medical Futurist, with specialized knowledge in telemedicine, digital health, robotic technology, gene editing, augmented reality, software technology and A.I.

A physician and professor with a passion for innovative healthcare technologies and public health, Dr. Dan is a popular medical expert with appearances on national Talk Shows including on Fox Television.

Dr. Dan understands the need to improve quality of care, cost, and access in healthcare. As a Chief Medical Officer for multiple healthcare startups and an award-winning scientific and academic leader, Dr. Dan brings substantial experience in public health and healthcare management. 

An award-winning scientific and academic leader, Dr. Dan has worked with several biotech and pharmaceutical companies on increasing awareness, education, and research in many diagnostic and therapeutic fields, including in the biotechnology industry. 

Not only is Dr. Dan is a medical expert for the here and now, but he’s also a medical Futurist, with specialized knowledge in nanobots, remote surgery and medical apps with algorithms that can be used in early detection as well as using AI to project the likely spread of disease. 

Dr. Dan has an extensive physician network including relationships with key opinion leaders around the world. He has completed his clinical rotations at Emory University in Atlanta, GA and also has completed a certificate of participation from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He has an MBA in healthcare management, and a B.A from the University of Notre Dame.

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