Special Guests

What Does the 34-Count Trump Conviction Say About Justice In America? (Guest: Michael Letts)

The law enforcement veteran discusses his disappointment in the verdict, and how it affects law enforcement moving forward.

The trial surrounding former President Donald Trump and charges surrounding business records falsifications has come to a close.

Not even three days into jury deliberations, Trump has been found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying said records, with sentencing set to take place on July 11th – just days before the Republican National Convention, where the former President is set to secure his GOP nomination for presidency.

While some were celebrating the verdict – particularly Biden and his supporters – many called it a “dark day for America,” believing that Trump didn’t have a fair chance in the least with the trial. Gov. Greg Abbott even went as far as to notate that the case was a “sham show trial” and “Americans deserve better than a sitting U.S. President weaponizing our justice system against a political opponent – all to win an election.”

Joining us now to discuss this verdict further is Michael Letts, a law enforcement veteran with over 30 years of experience under his belt. Letts is President, Founder and CEO of InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers through various charitable groups and sponsorships.

His expertise in all things law and order make him an ideal guest for this interview. Welcome, Michael!


  1. What does this verdict say about law and order as a whole, in your personal opinion?
  2. Does it seem obvious that the full 34 counts were determined to be guilty, even off of a perjured witness?
  3. What does this mean for law enforcement officers across the country, especially considering Biden doesn’t seem interested in restoring their funding?
  4. We’ve seen a divide in opinions over this matter, with some celebrating and others mourning what has taken place. Do you believe it’ll get worse as we head into the election season, especially if Biden uses this to his advantage?
  5. Do you believe this was the work of a weaponized, politicalized administration determined to be above the law?
  6. You’ve spoken about a military tribunal in the past. Does this warrant more reason than ever for Republicans to push for one against Joe Biden?
  7. You’re the creator of InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers through various charitable groups and sponsorships. Tell us more about that, and why support for fellow officers is so important right now.
  8. Where can we learn more about InVest USA, and how those interested can help their fellow officers.
  9. You can visit our official InVest USA website, and learn more on the official Invest USA Twitter account. You can also learn about my new initiative at RestoringJustice.US, where we discuss lawful issues surrounding citizens of the United States.

About Michael Letts:

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: jerry@specialguests.com or 919-437-0001.

Related Links

Ground Zero First Responder Michael Letts reflects on 9/11 attacks nearly 20 years later: https://www.foxbusiness.com/video/6271838161001

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Michael Letts on The State of Law Enforcement on The Pro-American Report with Ed Martin https://soundcloud.com/pseagles/michael-letts-the-state-of-law-enforcement-december-15-2023-proamericareport

Albany Herald article “Cops are human, too” by Michael Letts: https://www.albanyherald.com/opinion/michael-letts-cops-are-human-too/article_3c63cb3a-7952-11ec-9672-3f6263ea4338.html

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About Michael Letts: https://michaelletts.us/

About InVest USA: https://investusa.org

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