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Was the FBI’s raid of Trump’s home improperly intrusive? (Guest: Epoch Times)

The raid of Donald Trump’s home by two dozen FBI agents was “improperly intrusive,” according to legal experts, including Trump attorney Christina Bobb.

Bobb told the Epoch Times that FBI agents spent 10 hours in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, leaving with “a handful of boxes of documents.” Bobb said, “I didn’t actually get to oversee the search; they wouldn’t let anybody see what they were doing,” adding that the FBI refused to show her or Trump’s other attorneys any legal document showing probable cause for the raid.

In contrast, James Comey took handwritten notes after being fired by Trump, but the FBI didn’t raid his home. Instead, they simply asked for what they needed, and he handed them the documents. No raid, no problem. 

It’s common knowledge that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to hand over tens of thousands of emails and documents from her computer server. Yet, the FBI backed off, taking her at her word that they were personal documents. She deleted thousands of those documents while under a subpoena. Again, no raid, no problem.

But with Trump, the FBI agents took ten hours in Trump’s home without witnesses. Moreover, there is growing speculation whether an agent might have planted evidence in one of those confiscated boxes. 

Joining us in this discussion is Joseph Hanneman, an intrepid reporter with The Epoch Times that has been diligently following this story.

Talking Points:

  1. Did the FBI have any particular reason for raiding Trump’s home when they simply took James Comey and Hillary Clinton’s word regarding their documents?
  2. What are some of the political implications of this unorthodox raid?
  3. Was a raid like this even legal?
  4. If our nation trusted President Donald Trump with thousands of national security matters, including controlling the nuclear football, why the urgent need to invade his home and spend 10 hours rummaging through his possessions?
  5. Is it possible that one of the FBI agents could have planted evidence in one of the boxes they took out? Or is it possible someone in the FBI evidence room could slip in some incriminating documents?
  6. Tell us about your documentary, The Real Story of January 6.
  7. Where may we read more material on the Trump raid, and where may we view your documentary?

Answer: https://TheEpochTimes.com/

About your guests:

Joshua Philipp is an award-winning investigative reporter with The Epoch Times. He is a recognized expert on unrestricted warfare, asymmetrical hybrid warfare, subversion, and historical perspectives on today’s issues. His 10-plus years of research and investigations on the Chinese Communist Party, subversion, and related topics give him unique insight into the global threat and political landscape.

Joseph M. Hanneman is a reporter for The Epoch Times, focusing on the January 6 U.S. Capitol incursion and its aftermath; and general news in the State of Wisconsin. Over a nearly 40-year career, his work has appeared in Catholic World Report, the Racine Journal Times, the Wisconsin State Journal, and the Chicago Tribune. Phone: 608-837-7576

To view the January 6 documentary:

https://vimeo.com/729011735 and enter this password: preview

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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