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Transgender Pastor Sues Baptist Church Over Termination

Transgender Pastor Sues Baptist Church Over Termination

“Friends, with divine joy, of one finally getting her hands on a most precious pearl, I want you to hear me when I tell you that I’m not just supposed to be a pastor.
I’m supposed to be a woman.”

-Announcement to congregation from male to female transgender pastor

Interview opportunity with Joe Dallas

Church sanctuaries aren’t finding sanctuary from the power of Cancel Culture, especially if a church holds traditional views about sex and gender.

In 2014 Pastor Justin Joplin, father of two, assumed the position of lead pastor at Lorne Park Baptist Church in Mississauga, Ontario (a suburb of Toronto). Six years later, in June of this year, Joplin announced to a startled congregation that he was now she, having transitioned from Justin to Junia.

In response, the church’s board decided to suspend Joplin from all duties, and Lorne Parks congregation voted in July in favor of terminating the pastor. Joplin is now suing the church for $200,000.00, claiming their decision violated the Canadian Human Rights Code which prohibits discrimination based on gender or orientation, adding, “I don’t want other people to go through that,” and  “I want to be the person that God created me to be,”

So the clash between religious liberty and the pro-transgender movement continues, fueled by a question perplexing courts and citizens worldwide: Is it possible to grant religious communities freedom to practice their faith, even if that freedom entails a non-affirming approach to LGBTQ?

Joplin doesn’t think so. “Too often,” the former pastor declares, “religion is used as a sort of blanket excuse to justify all kinds of bad behavior – including human rights violations. That way of thinking needs to be challenged.”

But does the traditional Biblical view really commend “bad behavior?”

Joe Dallas doesn’t think so. Dallas is a Pastoral Counselor, speaker, and the author of the new book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture” which offers fresh ideas on how Bible believing Christians can both initiate and engage in redemptive conversations from a traditional – and reasonable – world view.

Conversation Questions:

1.       Why do you think Joplin feels the need to sue Lorne Park Baptist Church?

2.       Did he church make the right decision in terminating Joplin”?

3.       Why should the average citizen care about this issue?

4.       How does your book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture,” equip readers to     better understand and discuss this issue?

5.       What do you think the long term goals of the trans movement really are?

Reference article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/junia-joplin-trans-pastor-law-suit-baptist-church-1.6137180

GUEST BIO: Joe Dallas is an author, conference speakers, and pastoral counselor with expertise and training in Biblical counseling and coaching related to Christianity and human sexuality. He is a sought-after speaker featured in a variety of media outlets, including ABC News, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, and Christianity Today, among others. Visit Joe’s complete bio here at joedallas.com.

AVAILABILITY: Immediate, located in Pacific Time.

MEDIA CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins (432) 349-2736 cemison@gmail.com   

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