Special Guests

TOPIC: What Happens After the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict? Guest: Michael Letts



Law and Order vs. Lawlessness and Chaos

InVestUSA Commits to Provide Bulletproof Vests for Kenosha Law Enforcement and First Responders

Nov. 16, 2021 (KENOSHA, WISCONSIN) – Americans are preparing for the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Civil lawlessness, rioting, looting, and destruction by groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have followed similar rulings and highly publicized events. Law enforcement and local citizens are waiting with bated breath.

InVestUSA is a charitable organization that contributes bulletproof vests to law enforcement and other first responders who help maintain the peace. InVest founder/CEO Michael Letts says his organization prays for the protection of our police officers during these historic times. His organization commits to providing any law enforcement officer or first responder during the anticipated aftermath with a bulletproof vest. InVestUSA believes that those who serve their communities should not be without the best protection and safety measures available. Letts says that anyone in need of a vest can contact InVest immediately at info@investusa.org 803-556-2528 or visit their website.

Local law enforcement and first responders are on edge as the jury deliberates, anticipating possible organized riots in Kenosha following the verdict. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has 500 national guard troops on standby.

“America’s legal system was founded upon the presumption of innocence, while our Constitution guarantees the right to protect oneself and one’s property. Therefore, we must remain a nation of laws as the Founders intended,” said Michael Letts, Founder/President of InVestUSA.

Benjamin Baldung, Deputy Sheriff for 18 years in Richland County, North Carolina, expressed, “Civil unrest, rioting, looting, and violence in our communities present a challenge for everyone in law enforcement. I stand with my brothers and sisters in blue and thank InVestUSA for supporting those who protect and serve in our cities.”

InVestUSA is a national grassroots non-profit organization that provides bulletproof vests to law enforcement officers and first responders through sponsorship, fundraising with communities and local civic groups and churches, and education and training programs. Since 1993, InVestUSA has donated more than 7500 bulletproof vests in 25 states. The group maintains that bulletproof vests save lives, vowing to provide them to those who protect others.

GUEST: Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.


CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 tamara@ohsweetliberty.com or Celinda Hawkins of Special Guests at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or call: (432) 349-2736, or contact Samantha Mao at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com.

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