Special Guests

The True Pro-Life Stance: Examining the Call for a 15-Week Abortion Ban (Guest: Bradlee Dean)

The Sons of Liberty radio host Bradlee Dean discusses the importance as the fight over abortion continues.

The pro-life community faces a pivotal moment following Donald Trump’s recent statement on Meet the Press, where he proposed a compromise to resolve the abortion debate, suggesting an allowance for a certain number of abortions. 

This sparked discussions, and now, a 15-week abortion ban is gaining momentum, garnering consensus among some pro-life groups. Many conservatives, however, view this as a retreat from the genuine pro-life position, particularly in light of the significant victory achieved with the recent Dobbs case that the Supreme Court used to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Joining us now to discuss this further is Bradlee Dean, a dedicated pro-life advocate and commentator. Dean serves as host of The Sons of Liberty Radio, and also speaks regularly on the subject. His expertise will certainly prove useful in this matter.


  1. Let’s discuss Donald Trump’s statement and its role in pushing the 15-week abortion ban discussion to the forefront. What are your personal thoughts on this matter?
  2. What’s your take on Rep. Chris Smith’s statement that the pro-life community has always aspired for federal protection for unborn children, not just state-level action?
  3. Give us your perspective on the growing consensus supporting a 15-week ban, especially concerning the child’s ability to feel pain at that point.
  4. What do you think are the political ramifications surrounding this movement, particularly with Democratic and some Republican sentiments?
  5. What do you believe are the parallels between the pro-life fight and the Civil Rights movement, and how does this emphasize the long journey towards justice and human rights?
  6. What do you think is the best strategy for conservatives to approach the abortion topic in today’s polarized climate? How does one advocate for a pure pro-life stance without compromising?
  7. Would a 15-week ban be “snatching of defeat from the jaws of victory” with risking a true win for abortion rights?
  8. You also have a non-profit organization called The Sons of Liberty. How did you go about founding it, and what purpose does it serve in these times?
  9. What do you usually write about in your weekly columns for outlets such as WorldNet Daily and Western Journalism, among others?
  10. You also speak regularly across thousands of events. How long have you been doing it, and what would you say is your best subject of choice?
  11. Where can we learn more about you and the work you’re doing across these mediums?
    1. You can check out my written work at Sons of Liberty Media, and listen to my show at Sons of Liberty RadioThis video will also provide a better idea of what I’m all about.

About Bradlee Dean…

Bradlee Dean has spoken at thousands of events across the nation including Tea Parties, Churches, Festivals, Universities, and over 350 Public High Schools in 24 states! Bradlee Dean is a nationally syndicated radio show host of Sons of Liberty Radio (www.SonsOfLibertyRadio.com) and a weekly columnist for WorldNet Daily, Western Journalism, and 35+ other conservative media outlets (www.SonsOfLibertyMedia.com). Dean is also founder and CEO of The Sons of Liberty, a non-profit organization that specializes in reaching Americans with the principles of morality, true freedom, and personal responsibility.

He has been featured on national media outlets such as FOX News, The Blaze, The New York Times, MSNBC, The Weekly Standard, and many other media outlets standing for our Conservative, Christian values found in the Bible and the Constitution.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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