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Supreme Court’s Abortion Pill Decision Expected Friday, April 21st (Guest: Allan Parker)

The Justice Foundation’s Allan Parker filed an Amicus Brief in the Abortion Pill case before the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as in the Dobbs case that overturned Roe vs. Wade

The fight over abortion rights has been heating up for months now, with last year’s overturning of Roe vs. Wade being a rather significant point. It has since led to more anger from pro-abortion protestors, as well as attacks on pregnancy centers. But now a key decision by the Supreme Court of the United States expected on April 21, 2023 could very well show how the tide will turn in this fight.

Last week, a decision was made in court to overturn the FDA’s approval for chemical abortion drugs, though some aspects were since then reversed by a different court. Since that time, the Supreme Court has decided to stay all rulings, until this Friday.

But now the real question is what the Supreme Court will do next – honor the decisions made by the court to reverse the FDA’s approval of the drug, or allow it to go through and jeopardize thousands of female lives in the name of medical science.

Keeping the abortion pill legal would be a reversal from the Roe v. Wade decision that followed a year prior, and one that could give President Joe Biden and his fellow pro-abortion Democrat advocates a huge push leading into the 2024 election – and that could change the Supreme Court as we know it—especially if Democrats succeed in stacking the court if they can get five Republican defectors to increase the number of Supreme Court justices from 9 to 13, with Biden appointing five newly minted liberal justices. 

Joining us now to discuss this further is Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation. He also serves as attorney for Melinda Thybault, the Founder of The Moral Outcry Petition, along with thousands of women injured by abortion. He recently filed an amicus based on the Supreme Court’s decision, and explained why they need to be very careful in terms of how they decide things from here.


  1. Does this decision by the Supreme Court to delay intervening on FDA regulations until Friday, April 23, 2023, allowing abortion pill sales until then, seem odd considering that they just overturned Roe v. Wade less than one year ago? What factors do you think they considered when they chose to stay all rulings in the FDA case?
  2. Between The Supreme Court and the Fifth Circuit court, it is possible to see the abortion pill is banned completely in the United States. This is a staggering thought since over half of abortions are currently from abortion pills and not surgery. So, how might this happen? 
  3. What do you believe will happen if they choose to side with the FDA? Will some believe they’re being hypocritical with the decision? How will this help Biden and his allies?
  4. Could things become even more violent between the pro-life and pro-abortion sides as the decision is mode? We’ve already seen what happened after Roe v. Wade was reversed, with Jane’s Revenge and other groups attacking pregnancy centers.
  5. What do you think about the long-term effects of a chemical abortion pill? Could the effects possibly be fatal?
  6. Women who take the abortion pill are able to see a fully formed baby in their toilets after it forces a miscarriage. What impact does that sight have on women? 
  7. Could there possibly be some sort of lawsuit if the Supreme Court decides in the FDA’s favor? What steps would you take from there?
  8. Where can we learn more about your work with Melinda Thybault and the thousands of injured abortion victims?

You can visit the official Operation Outcry page at https://www.operationoutcry.org. You can also learn more at http://www.themoraloutcry.com.

About Allan Parker…

Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, represents Melinda Thybault, the Co-Founder of The Moral Outcry Petition, acting on behalf of over 500,000 Signers. www.themoraloutcry.com. He also represents thousands of women hurt by abortion. See www.operationoutcry.org. Mr. Parker represented Norma McCorvey, formerly “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, and Sandra Cano, the “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton., in their efforts to overturn the two landmark cases that brought legalized abortion on demand to America.  He has taught at St. Mary’s University School of Law and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Texas and studied International Human Rights at the International Human Rights Institute in Strasbourg, France. He taught International Human Rights at the St. Mary’s Institute on World Legal Problems in Innsbruck, Austria in 1992.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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