Special Guests

The Leaning On Energy For National Security Leads To Many Questions As To What’s Happening In Germany – and Possibly the U.S. (Guests: Guy Mitchell and Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis)

A new op-ed written by author Guy Mitchell has pointed out some interesting details as to how foreign countries – and possibly even the U.S. – lean heavily on using energy sources for the sake of national security.

In the midst of trying to transition to a low-carbon energy mix, Germany launched an initiative known as the Energiewende, which currently sits in its second phase. The goal of this initiative is to phase out coal and nuclear, instead focusing on renewable energy. It had hoped to do major work on the transition this year, but, alas, Vladimir Putin and Russia have thrown a monkey wrench into the mix.

Earlier this month, Russia managed to cut off all gas flow to Germany, in response to the strict sanctions imposed by both the U.S. and Europe regarding the importation of Russian oil. This creates a big problem for the company’s transition of energy, even with the possibility of building its own natural gas shortage and distribution systems (which, as you might guess, can take time).

In turn, residents within the EU are seeing fluctuating energy bills and costs, and, as a result, losing people in layoffs or all-out closures. While Germany is working on a solution to solve the problem, it’s only looking at part of it.

So how does this tie in with the U.S.? Essentially, with America’s need for oil and its distillates for national security purposes. America has managed to consume quite a bit of oil as of late, with 2020 marking about 18.4 million barrels of oil per day supplied and about 18.12 million barrels used. That means there’s a need for importing oil, about 7.8 million barrels a day. That’s not to mention the nearly 100 million barrels of fuel necessary to power military vehicles and bases.

With us to discuss the matter further is Guy Mitchell, the writer of the op-ed and the author of the new book Global Warming: The Great Deception; or Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis, a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant and author of such books as Alliance of Evil and his recent release, Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism. Their expertise will prove useful with this discussion.


  1. How much of a situation has Germany put itself in with its switch to a new energy agenda, only not to be able to lean so much on importing of gas? Do you think it will have an effect on keeping energy bills stable and workers employed?
  2. Why do you think Germany leaned so heavily on Russia for support during its energy switch? The convenience of their pipeline? Or was it something else? Do you think, in hindsight, it should have considered another energy ally?
  3. What impact do you believe this will have on the U.S. as a whole? Could energy be tougher to come by in the months ahead, particularly with Russia continuing to battle with Ukraine?
  4. It seems like natural gas pipelines could possibly be sabotaged by pretty much anyone. What can be done to fortify these, or what kind of solution can be proposed to keep it safe from sabotage? If anything happens to those, it could cause big trouble for the economy and employment.
  5. In the op-ed, it’s noted that “Depending on imports of energy from adversaries eviscerates the effort to sanction or embargo energy from those suppliers, thereby neutering the strategy.” Can you explain this a little further, and the long-term effects it can have on a country’s national security?
  6. Where can we learn about your recent book releases?
  7. For Guy Mitchell: Global Warming: The Great Reception is available for purchase on Amazon here, and there’s also a Kindle version available here.
  8. For Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis: You can find my books, including Alliance of Evilhere on Amazon.

About Guy Mitchell:

Guy Mitchell is a member of Pi Tau Sigma, the International Honor Society for Mechanical Engineers and was elected a Distinguished Engineering Fellow by the College of Engineering, University of Alabama, in 1995. His book, Global Warming: The Great Deception, explains what he believes to be the flawed claims of global warming caused by human activity. 

About Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis:

Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Bob Maginnis graduated from the U.S. Military Academy, the Naval Postgraduate School, the Command & General Staff College, the Defense Language School and the Army War College’s strategy course. He is an Airborne-Ranger infantry officer with service in four infantry divisions on three continents.

He is the author of nearly a thousand articles and eight published books, the latest was released in June 2021: Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism.

Press Contact For Interviews: Jerry McGlothlin, phone #: 919-437-0001 or email: jerry@specialguests.com

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