Special Guests

The FBI Continues To Fail When It Comes To Investigating the Firebombing of a Pregnancy Center (Guest: Rev. Jim Harden)

The CEO of CompassCare voices his frustration surrounding the latest actions by the agency.

Nearly two years after the heinous act has taken place, the FBI has yet to make any progress on the case surrounding the firebombing of a CompassCare pregnancy center in Buffalo. And its latest move perplexes even further.

The government agency actually put up a billboard 70 miles away from the scene of the crime, asking for any information seeking information on the suspects. Which is baffling, considering its distance and the fact that it would resort to this method instead of actually doing the research themselves.

Without an update on the case – or any information surrounding the billboard – CompassCare CEO Rev. Jim Harden can’t wonder but if it’s a cruel post-April Fool’s joke.

“The date is a cruel irony of the FBI’s feigned investigation. The erratic nature of DOJ and FBI behavior around cases of violence against pro-life groups appears to be PR related, bolstering their reputation when under pressure to produce results by media and congressional judiciary committees. Perhaps they anticipate more violence against Christian pro-lifers ahead of the next big Supreme Court ruling in June and want to make it look like they care? Or worse, they know the perpetrators are in Rochester and are warning them that our private investigators are getting close to locating them,” Harden noted.

With refusal of communication by the FBI, Harden is left with even more questions.

“If the FBI has to resort to outdoor advertising to locate pro-abortion domestic terrorists, either they have forsaken forensic investigation altogether or are up to something more devious. Results speak for themselves,” he said. 

“Over 300 attacks, one indictment, a light sentencing for an uncooperative criminal who committed a verifiable act of domestic terrorism, coupled with FBI targeting of pro-life Christians with SWAT-like raids on trumped up charges, this billboard is icing on a mud pie. Failure to enforce the law equally is a violation of the 14th amendment and represents an illegal act of oppression, not just of preborn boys and girls killed in abortion, but against those who seek to protect those same babies as endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right to life.”

Harden joins us now to discuss the matter further.


  1. The FBI appears to be relaxed when it comes to any sort of pro-abortion convictions as of late, compared to those that are pro-life. Why do you believe there’s such an imbalance?
  2. Why is the FBI just now engaging public service communications regarding the June 7, 2022 Buffalo attack on CompassCare instead of immediately after the firebombing?
  3. Why did the FBI place this billboard 70 miles away from the scene of the crime? Is it because they suspect the perpetrators reside in Rochester, NY?
  4. Why would the FBI place a billboard, just 1 mile from CompassCare’s national headquarters? Is this an attempt to save face, making it appear as if they are investigating before more attacks occur against pro-life Christians? Or perhaps they are anticipating more investigations by the House/Senate Judiciary Committees?
  5. Is it just a coincidence the FBI is expressing interest just days before the sentencing of the first Jane’s Revenge firebomber Roychowdhury to hide the fact that they actually do have information of his accomplices?
  6. Speaking of CompassCare, tell us more about it, and the services provided there.
  7. Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare and what your team is doing?

Answer: They can visit our official website at CompassCareCommunity.com.

This interview promises to offer a deep dive into the ethical, moral, and practical aspects of the pro-life movement, guided by the experienced and insightful perspective of Rev. James Harden.

About James Harden

Rev. James Harden, a dedicated pro-life advocate and leader of CompassCare, is known for his outspoken views on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy. With a family of ten children and a strong moral compass, he believes in the adage, “Money follows morality.” Harden has been vocal about perceived corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in post-Roe America. His predictions about the Dobbs decision in 2018 and the demise of the “Red Wave” in 2022 showcase his deep understanding of the political landscape.

For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Jerry McGlothlin at geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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