Special Guests

The Chinese Communist Party Is Pushing In Chairman Xi’s Direction, But Is It the Right One? (Guest: Nan Su)

The Chinese Communist Party Is Pushing In Chairman Xi’s Direction, But Is It the Right One?

The Epoch Times’ Nan Su explains the latest moves by the CCP from its recent congress meeting.

The Chinese Communist Party (or CCP for short) recently finished its 7th Session of the 19th CCP Congress meeting, in an effort to prepare for the 20th meeting this coming week. Out of this, however, one thing seems to be clear – Chairman and Chinese leader Xi Jinping looks to be firmly in charge.

The session served two general purposes, including an assessment for Xi’s last five years as ruler of China; and preparing for a huge power transfer to take place during the 20th congress next week. But the report seems to make something very clear – Chairman Xi looks to be headed for a third term, and will serve as the core of the CCP.

Deemed to potentially be the next Chairman Mao, Xi’s placement has left several questions in the wake of the congress. This includes a recent report by The Epoch Times that indicates a possible war with Taiwan, as well as more progress towards the regime’s actions against the United States.

With us now is Nan Su, who serves as senior correspondent for The Epoch Times. His expertise on all things China government will be quite useful in this matter.


  1. Is Chairman Xi’s grasp of power the biggest thing to take away from this week’s congress meeting? Or is there something else that arose from it?
  2. What do you believe will happen with next week’s 20th congress meeting? How smoothly will the transfer of power go over, you think?
  3. There’s been talk about a potential war with Taiwan if Xi continues to serve in his current position. Do you believe there’s a reason people should be concerned about this?
  4. You stated that Xi is slated to be the next Chairman Mao. What does this say for the people of China as a whole?
  5. Do you see any other topics arising with next week’s congress meeting? We know the CCP emphasized its increased work on cracking down on criminal activity. Could this see a sharper focus during the meeting?
  6. Where can we learn more about you and see your work over on The Epoch Times?
  7. You can visit our official website at http://www.theepochtimes.com, as well as see our reports on Epoch TV.

About Nan Su:

Nan Su is a senior investigative reporter for the Epoch Times, with an eye and focus on Chinese politics and government deception. Nan is highly knowledgeable in a variety of subjects, including the Coronavirus and all things happening overseas. His reports have run on The Epoch Times for some time now, and gained a following based on his expertise in delivering thorough results.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 919-437-0001.

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