Special Guests

The Trump Code: Exploring Time Travel, Nikola Tesla, the Trump Lineage, and America’s Future (Guest: Troy Anderson)

Interview Opportunity with author Troy Anderson

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Troy Anderson, the insightful author of ‘The Trump Code.’ This fascinating book dives deep into the connections between an old book from the 1890s by Ingersoll Lockwood and the current political climate in America. Anderson explores the uncanny similarities between the novels written by Lockwood and the Trump family legacy well over 100 years ago.

Lockwood’s book series, ‘The Baron Trump Chronicles,’ is particularly intriguing. It revolves around a young boy named Baron Trump and his sidekick Donald, as they embark on extraordinary adventures from 5th Avenue in New York City and beyond. These novels, seemingly prophetic, describe the exploits of Baron Trump, who finds a secret portal and time travels, encountering various challenges and peculiar characters along the way. The uncanny resemblance between these stories and the modern-day Trump family has sparked speculation and curiosity.

Anderson’s book, ‘The Trump Code,’ delves into whether Lockwood was trying to warn us about future events and explores the connections between these fictional tales and real historical events. We’re here to discuss his findings and the potential implications for America’s future. Welcome, Troy.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

  1. What inspired you to write “The Trump Code” and explore the connections between Ingersoll Lockwood’s novels and the Trump family?

Troy Anderson: The peculiar parallels between Lockwood’s novels and the Trump family intrigued me, prompting a deeper investigation into potential prophetic elements and historical coincidences.

  • In your book, you mention Lockwood’s prediction of an “outsider candidate” causing chaos in America. Can you elaborate on how this relates to Donald Trump?

Troy Anderson: Lockwood’s novel, “1900; or, The Last President,” describes the election of an outsider candidate causing societal upheaval, mirroring Trump’s unexpected rise to power and the subsequent political turmoil.

  • Lockwood’s novels are over a century old. How do you think they hold relevance in today’s political landscape?

Troy Anderson: The timeless themes of political division, societal upheaval, and the rise of unconventional leaders make Lockwood’s novels surprisingly relevant to contemporary politics.

  • You discuss the idea of divine providence and historical events in your book. Do you believe there is a higher power guiding these events?

Troy Anderson: While some might see it as mere coincidence, the recurring themes and events suggest a deeper, possibly divine orchestration behind these historical and contemporary occurrences.

  • How does Lockwood’s portrayal of anarchists and socialists in New York City relate to current political movements in America?

Troy Anderson: Lockwood’s depiction resonates with today’s political climate, where radical groups and social movements significantly impact public discourse and policy. Lockwood made it clear anarchists and socialists in New York would hate this independent-minded candidate who wouldn’t march to their drumbeat.

  • Can you explain the connection between biblical passages and the theories of time travel by scientists like Nikola Tesla that you explore in your book?

Troy Anderson: I delve into how biblical concepts of time and divine intervention parallel modern scientific theories, suggesting a fascinating intersection of faith and science in understanding our world.

  • How do you think the concept of a “last president” ties into the current political scenario and the upcoming 2024 election?

Troy Anderson: The notion of a “last president” raises questions about the stability and future of American democracy, especially with the heightened tensions and unprecedented events surrounding the 2024 election.

  • What are your thoughts on the idea that Trump’s first win was a shock to the elites, similar to the events in Lockwood’s novels?

Troy Anderson: Trump’s victory indeed shocked the establishment, much like the fictional outsider in Lockwood’s story, highlighting a recurring theme of unexpected disruption in political power structures.

  • How do you interpret the chaotic scenes described by Lockwood, such as the mobs in New York City, in light of recent social unrest in America?

Troy Anderson: The vivid descriptions of chaos and mob actions in Lockwood’s work eerily reflect the social unrest and protests we’ve witnessed in recent years, emphasizing the cyclical nature of societal upheaval.

  1. Do you think Lockwood’s writings can provide any guidance or warnings for the future of American politics?

Troy Anderson: Lockwood’s writings serve as a cautionary tale, reminding us to remain vigilant and thoughtful about the direction of our nation and the leaders we choose.

  1. Do you think that Baron Trump did so much time traveling that it stretched his height, and will he keep growing as a result?
  1. Just kidding, but in all seriousness, where may we learn more or even get a copy of your fascinating new book, “The Trump Code?”

Troy Anderson: “At my website: TroyAnderson.us.”

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and the author of “The Trump Code,” which explores the connections between Ingersoll Lockwood’s novels and the Trump family’s legacy. Anderson is also the co-author of bestsellers “The Babylon Code,” “Trumpocalypse,” and “The Military Guide to Armageddon.” He serves as vice president and COO of Battle Ready Ministries and lives with his family in Irvine, California. Find out more at TroyAnderson.us

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Todd Baumann of Special Guests PR Agency at 512-966-0983 or jerry@specialguests.com

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