Special Guests

NYT Hearts CCP (Guest: Levi Browde or Leeshai Lemish)

America’s Paper of Record Releases ANOTHER Hit Piece on Shen Yun Dancers to the Benefit of The Chinese Communists A spokesperson for the group explains why the article’s claims about the group making money off “religious fervor” are ridiculous. The New York Times continues to aid and abet the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with libelous smears against the Shen Yun dance group. In the latest hit piece, printed on December 29th, the Times focuses on … Read more

Why Does the CCP Hate Falun Gong and Shen Yun?

A spokesman for the group discusses a new report that goes in-depth as to why the Chinese Communist Party wants the show shut down. There have been ongoing efforts both locally and overseas to shut down the ongoing Shen Yun production, which celebrates all things Chinese culture. But the real question is…why? A new report from the Vision Times shines a bit of a light here. In it, democracy activist and Global Vice Chair of the … Read more

Chinese Dancers Threatened in Atlanta (Guest: Levi Browde)

Chinese Communist Party Behind Intimidation Tactics Inside the U.S. The situation between Falun Gong and Chinese government has gotten so far out of hand that death threats are now making the rounds. Prior to a performance earlier this month, the Falun Dafa Association of Atlanta confirmed that it received a death threat, issued by someone calling themselves the “Fourteenth Dalai Lama.” “Atlanta Symphony Hall will be attacked if Shen Yun is shown!!!” the threat read, … Read more

Why Is Shen Yun Being Painted In Such a Negative Light?

A representative for the popular dancing show discusses the negative press coming from the show – and why those behind it continue to rise above it. Shen Yun has been one of the more popular shows over the past few years, celebrating the culture of China in beautiful, exquisite ways. And while the show has won over hundreds of thousands of fans, it’s also gotten its fair share of critics. One of the bigger pieces … Read more

How Much Does Religion Play a Part In Shen Yun?

A spokesman for the group discusses whether religion plays a part in the popular showcase. Shen Yun has been captivating audiences for years, with a number of performers pouring their heart into the production, which celebrates the finer culture of China. However, some have questioned just how much of a part religion could play into it. Obviously there have been critics against the show, particularly one that recently wrote an “expose” over at the New York … Read more

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