Special Guests

Instagram Haters Target Child (Guest: Joe and Sam Evermore)

10-Year-Old Mountain Climber Receives Threats to Call CPS Setting world records isn’t the only challenge young Sam Evermore is facing. Now, after getting back from climbing the Matterhorn – the most iconic mountain in the world, which is also the Disney logo – Sam and his dad Joe, are having to fend off IG comments, demanding that CPS take Sam away from his family, for child endangerment. The latest bout of IG hate the Evermores … Read more

Ten-Year-Old SETS World Record in Mountain Climbing (Guest: Joe Evermore)

Courageous Sam Evermore is being Raised to AVOID“Safe Spaces” Ten-year-old Sam Adventure Evermore is no ordinary kid, whose middle name may be a bit of an understatement. His father Joe and mother Ann are certainly not Helicopter Parents, though Joe and Sam do climb to the sky, most recently to the top of the tallest sheer mountain face in North America. Check out these NEVER BEFORE SEEEN videos and photos! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Su4grNeYJBxIj3hnNUwf5wGR1wpJfRjH/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1neosGyese9AwR6ECt-1Xn3NsHF55AmR0/view?usp=sharing “Over the last … Read more

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