Special Guests

Who’s Fooling Who? (Randall Terry makes the New York Times)

Democrats Choosing to Align with Pro-Life Champion In the case of Democrats choosing to align with Pro-Life champion and Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, Randall Terry, the former is choosing the strategy that invokes an ancient proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. However, Democrats may be in the process of taking Terry’s bait, thanks to a New York Times article about Terry that he says is rife with flaws. “Who do … Read more

Controversial Anti-Abortion TV Ads set to Run Nationally (Guest: Randall Terry)

Interview Opportunity with Randall Terry Proposed Introduction for Host: Joining us today is Randall Terry, a well-known anti-abortion activist and Presidentialcandidate, whose new controversial television ads are making waves across the nation. A recent FOX news headline captured the mission:   Constitution Party nominee aiming to help Trump, ‘destroy’ Democratic Party. (See story here) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/randall-terry-destroying-democratic-party-im-running-margin-defeat-swing-states Thanks to FCC laws regarding Federal Candidates, these ads will air on television stations and networks. Randall is here to discuss … Read more

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