Special Guests

Should Amazon Be Allowed to Ban the Bible?

Interview Guest: Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor of Moody Church 36 years

Amazon.com just did something that might make censorship of Trump by Twitter look tame. Amazon.com has just changed their rules on what king of books they will begin banning and the new unpublished policy takes aim at so-called hate speech. But the most famous book that may be first on the list to be banned is: The bible. Dr. Erwin Lutzer was pastor of Moody Church in Chicago for 36 years. He joins us for this discussion.


1) Why should Amazon’s decisions to ban certain books be of concern to all of us?

A: We might understand if they banned books that promoted pedophilia, and violence but their guidelines are unclear, and this gives them the freedom to ban whatever they don’t agree with. And it turns out to be conservative voices.

2) What do you make of the hate-speech argument?

A: You can call anything hate speech that you disagree with. Consider Amazon banning the book, When Harry Became Sally…I read that book some time ago and it is a reasoned book showing that the ideology of the trans movement trumps science, biology, medical advice and common sense. And, it is hurtful to children, and many medical people believe this is true. In fact the number of people who give testimonies of how destructive these beliefs are is growing. Once this book is banned who knows what is next.

Hate speech sounds like a legitimate argument, but it is a camouflage, a pretext for banning whatever you disagree with. This is foolishness…to ban the books of Dr. Suess, and to say that “Potato head is overly exclusive” where will this end?

3) Given their unpublished guidelines…should Amazon ban the Bible?

A: Yes, if they read it carefully, they might be inclined to do so. Three areas come immediately to mind:

Genesis 1: 27, says that God created man “in his own image…male and female he created them” No room for a “spectrum of genders” here. Yes, some people suffering with “gender dysphasia” and need counsel and direction, but these struggles should not be promoted or elevated.

Also, in The New Testament, in the book of Romans chapter one, we have several paragraphs given over to the condemnation of radical sexualism, and among the many sins listed, homosexual practices are especially singled out. Such relationships are described as “dishonorable passions” (Romans 1:26) and those who justify such activity are said to “suppress the truth.” (1:18)

And finally, think of Jesus, speaking of himself said, “Whoever believes in him [Jesus] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God” (John 3:18).

These texts and dozens of others, like a bucket of cold water in the face of the supposedly “tolerant” crowd whose tolerance excludes Jesus and his followers.

4) Another related topic in the news is the recent passage by the House of the so-called Equality act. What’s wrong with equality? Isn’t equality what America was built on and strives for?

A: This bill is actually one of inequality. That word equality seems so innocuous. Today it is applied to every cause imaginable; This bill, with its expansive rights given to the LGBTQ and trans community would infringe on the rights of others in so many ways.  

If you have a daughter, would you want her to share the same locker room and shower with a man who says he identifies as a woman?   The bottom line, when there is a collision of rights, the LBGTQ and trans individuals would supersede the rights of others.  I see no equality there.

5): Tell us about your newest book and where we may pick up a copy?

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years. He is author of many books including his latest, “We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture’s Assault on Christianity.”

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin: 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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