Special Guests

Rand Paul’s Assertions on COVID-19 Origins

The Unseen Crisis documentary director Cindy Drukier discusses the latest findings.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has called for accountability on both the U.S. and China’s parts for allegedly fostering an environment for the COVID-19 virus to jump species and spread across the world. Paul specifically criticized the practice of gain-of-function research, which he believes played a significant role in the emergence of the pandemic. He has also criticized figures like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates for their involvement in and funding of this type of research.

Our guest is Cindy Drukier, an acclaimed filmmaker known for her work on The Unseen Crisis, a film highlighting the experiences of those suffering from COVID-19 vaccine injuries and the families who lost loved ones. Her film serves as a revealing look into a less-discussed aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing a platform for people directly affected by vaccine injuries to share their experiences. Drukier’s work, combined with her insights, could shed a new light on the ongoing discussions about the origins and impact of the COVID-19 virus.

Potential Talking Points:

  1. What light can you shed on the process and ethics of vaccine development and distribution based on the personal stories you have collected?
  2. Paul is calling for more transparency and responsibility, but do you believe those are achievable goals? Especially following everything we’ve seen over the past few years?
  3. With your documentary, do you believe there’s a call for more research to be done surrounding the effects of the COVID vaccine? Would that be something you’d want someone like Rand Paul to take a closer look at?
  4. How can your work and Senator Paul’s allegations contribute to a more informed and ethical approach to handling future pandemics?
  5. You also direct a number of specials for EpochTV, including COVID-19: A Reckoning (Part 1Part 2) and this latest one surrounding what’s happening at our border. Where can we see more of these?

You can check out my latest reports at this official link. 

  1. Where can people watch The Unseen Crisis now that it’s made its premiere on EpochTV?

It’s available at this link, and if you need information on how to subscribe to EpochTV, you can go here.  

About Cindy Drukier… 

Cindy Drukier is a veteran journalist, editor and producer. Along with directing The Unseen Crisis, she’s a talk show host for NTD Television, featured on EpochTV and also produces a number of smaller specials for the site. She also produced and was featured in the award-winning documentary Finding Manny, a surprising uplifting Holocaust documentary about her survivor father. Finding Manny is also available for streaming on EpochTV. 

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.   

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