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Pro-Life Ethicist Predicts the Left Will Take Advantage of the Lewiston Tragedy

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden predicts the horrible incident will be manipulated to vilify Conservatives.

On October 25, 2023, a shooter opened fire in two separate businesses in Lewiston, Maine. At the time of this publication, the death toll is approximately 16, with more injured. Robert Card is named as the suspect.

Warning that the political Left will further abuse the public by using the attack to manipulate the emotions of the masses for political gain, Rev. Jim Harden, the CEO for CompassCare Pregnancy Centers, predicts: “Mass shootings are acts of terror by bullies, cowards, and abusers designed to destabilize society by making people feel unsafe. This opens the door for political bad actors to enact more laws that eat away at America’s Constitutional Rule of Law.”


  1. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims. You noted similarities between this shooting and that of the Christian School in Nashville, TN. Can you explain those?

Answer: There are notable similarities between the shooting in Lewiston, ME, and the one in Nashville, TN at a Christian school: the shooters in both cases were identified as threats and both locations had a concentration of children.

  • The differences are even more telling. What are the biggest distinctions?

Answer: The differences are noteworthy: the details about the transgender TN shooter remain obscured to this day, including the manifesto and motive, yet the name, personal details, and political associations of the ME shooter are saturating the media just hours after the tragedy. 

  • The members of the community of Lewiston, and many more with them, are asking “why?” How do you respond?

Answer: The nation is outraged at yet another mass murder, making many wonder why America is seemingly tearing itself apart. These mass shootings stem from the same social disease as abortion—a rejection of the truth that all people are made in the image of God and as such ought to be afforded that level of dignity.

  • What narrative has been pushed in the media and schools to lead to this problem?

Answer: America has taught our children for generations that man is an accident just a little smarter than the animals. Abortion, mass shootings, genitalia mutilation of children, physician-assisted suicide, along with Antifa and Hamas terror are all signs of a society that has lost her soul.

  • It is reported that the alleged suspect is a member of the Army Reserve. Your COO is a retired Lieutenant Cornel. How does he respond.  

Answer: Yes, LTC Herrmann said, and I echo this, “If it is true that Robert Card perpetrated this crime and that he was in the Army Reserves, his actions dishonor not only himself but also the Army values. We should not be surprised that the Left will use this to vilify our virtuous soldiers.”

  • You have accurately predicted some major political moves and results. You are predicting the Left’s next move now. Can you share that prediction?

Answer: Mass shootings are acts of terror by bullies, cowards, and abusers designed to destabilize society by making people feel unsafe. This opens the door for political bad actors to enact more laws that eat away at America’s Constitutional Rule of Law. Today the Left’s media apparatus is condemning Robert Card’s actions while subtly linking him to Conservative causes through weak associations and hearsay. This enables the Left to politically transfer the blame of the actions of a godless, mentally ill murderer to their political opponents. In so doing, the Left will be able to: 1) distance themselves from the transexual gunman in TN, 2) shame and vilify their political opponents ahead of the 2024 Election, and 3) leverage the tragedy to push an aggressive gun-control narrative.

  • You’re a pastor. How should we understand tragedies like this?

Answer: In Luke 13, Jesus was asked about the news of a violent injustice and mass disaster resulting in the loss of human life. He said that our first and best response to these kinds of tragedies is to ‘repent, or we will all likewise perish.’ Translation? Until we return to a common understanding of what it means to be human under God—America will continue attacking itself through abortion, mass shootings, gender ‘transition’ surgeries, and physician-assisted suicide, eventually resulting in the complete destruction of the nation-state system.”

  • Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare?

Answer: Go to CompassCareCoimmunity.com.

About Rev. Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children.

Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbs in 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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