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Pro-life Christians Give Women $360M, Planned Parenthood Takes $1B from Taxpayers (Guest: Jim Harden)

new report reveals that Christian pro-life pregnancy centers gave women facing unplanned pregnancy $368M worth of free services, including medical care, while under fire in 2022. That is $100M more than the previous reporting year (2019). Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood took over $1B in Federal and State taxpayer money, in addition to charging for their services. Firebombed medical network based in the nation’s abortion capital of New York, CompassCare, is highlighted in the report as an example of the resilience of the pro-life movement under fire. CEO of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, Chuck Donovan, responsible for the report said, “The pregnancy help movement is among the most dramatic stories in the history of American community service. Healthcare professionals, counselors, and volunteers from every walk of life have composed a symphony of service for women, babies, and families in need.” 

While the report reveals free services provided by pregnancy centers in a post-Roe America are up 26%, the attacks on these groups have shifted from physical violence to legislative and litigious activism. Attorneys General in blue states like Washington, California, and New York initiated lawfare to shut down the generous work of these Christian charities in the name of fraud to vilify pro-life people in a not-so-subtle get-out-the-vote ploy by pro-abortion democrats who hope to maintain the Presidency and flip the House in November. 

A year ago in January, CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, predicted these types of politically motivated attacks ahead of the 2024 Presidential election. Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, joins us now…


  1. Why do you think CompassCare was featured in this national report of the impact of pro-life pregnancy care work?

Answer: CompassCare is a manifestation of the resilience and passion of pro-life Christians. In addition to being on the receiving end of the most brutal firebombing the reporting year, we kept serving women in the face of increasing attacks. For example, that same firebombed Buffalo facility was vandalized again after being rebuilt, NY Gov. signed a bill to investigate us, Google and other platforms censured us, and now the NY AG is suing us. And yet through it all, CompassCare staff and volunteers not only continued serving women but we expanded. In 2023 we helped twice as many women considering abortion have their babies and so far in 2024 we are doubling yet again. 

  • How are the attacks on you and other pro-life groups continuing?

Answer: As I predicted, the pro-abortion extremists traded firebombs for lawyers. We’ve been sued by activists, including NY AG Letitia James and CA AG Rob Bonta in a political effort to vilify pro-lifers, playing into the propaganda get-out-the-vote campaign saying pro-lifers harm women and rob them of choice.

  • Can they win in court against you?

Answer: No. Their claims are bogus. But in a sense, the lawsuits themselves are a win for their PR campaign for the 2024 election which they are making all about abortion, insisting that pro-lifers are intent on robbing women of reproductive choice and harming women by denying them essential or even emergency medical care. The fraud being perpetrated here is not by pro-life pregnancy centers against women but by pro-abortion politicians abusing the legal system to score political points at taxpayer expense. 

  • Have you seen victories anywhere so far?

Answer: Yes. WA State AG Bob Ferguson withdrew his fraud investigation of pro-life pregnancy centers. And we served an initial blow against New York AG Letitia James, issuing an anti-SLAPP motion for her illegal and malicious attempts to use her office to shut down our First Amendment rights to help women reverse the effects of the dangerous chemical abortion drug. 

  • Pregnancy centers that promote and provide Abortion Pill Reversal are accused of fraud. Tell us what that means and compare that to what the abortion industry is doing.

Answer1 in 17 women who start the chemical abortion process end up in the ER. Yet the abortion industry and pro-abortion politicians claim it is safer while oddly saying it is progesterone therapy that harms women. Some women who start the chemical abortion process change their minds and wish to continue their pregnancies. CompassCare and other pro-life groups use the tried-and-true natural progesterone therapy to reverse the effects of the abortion drug. 16 studies, the FDA, and our lived experience demonstrates that progesterone therapy works really well.

  • If you could say anything to NY Attorney General Letitia James, what would it be?

Answer: If James were really interested in protecting women from malpractice and fraud, they are suing the wrong people. We’ve never sent a single woman to the emergency room or morgue. Compare that little fact to the billion-dollar abortion empire’s record. Beyond that, according to the federal Comstock Act, nearly all of the 630,000 annual chemical abortions in the U.S. are illegal

  • If the Democrats get what they want and maintain the Presidency and flip the House in November, will the attacks on pro-life organizations stop?

Answer: No, this is just the beginning. Attacks on Christian pregnancy centers isn’t about abortion. It’s about attacking Christianity and the Constitutional Rule of Law. It’s coming to a church and doorstep near you. But even so, that should not stop us. Christians will keep being Christians. 

  • Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare?

Answer: Go to CompassCareCommunity.com.

About Rev. Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of the firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children. Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbsin 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or jerry@specialguests.com.

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