Special Guests

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Address To Congress Is Leaving Many Feeling Divided (Guest: Ronald Stetton)

The author of The Prophet discusses Netanyahu’s visit and if it really made much of a difference in the long run.

In the midst of an ongoing battle between Israel and Islamic Jihadists, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently paid a visit to the U.S., in an effort to address Congress on what has been happening.

Netanyahu didn’t hold back in his speech, discussing the ongoing protests that have taken place both in the United States and overseas.

“Iran is funding the anti-Israel protests that are going on right now outside this building — not that many, but they’re here, and throughout this city,” he noted. “Well, I have a message for these protestors. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.”

He continued, addressing the matter of Hamas stealing humanitarian aid that was headed for Gaza. “If there are Palestinians in Gaza who aren’t getting enough food, it’s not because Israel is blocking it. It’s because Hamas is stealing it.” However, this comment has left many divided, with some believing wanting to believe that it simply isn’t factual.

He concluded by discussing the ratio of Palestinian civilians killed by the IDF, compared to Hamas combatants. He went on to say, “A senior Hamas official, Fathi Hamad, boasted… that “Palestinian women and children excel at being human shields. What monstrous evil!”

But, in a wicked world, many are questioning such a statement, believing that itNetanyahu’s comments lack key context and verification.

While some believe that Netanyahu’s visit brought clarification, others are demanding a ceasefire to preserve the Islamic Jihadists rule over the civil population.

Moreover, Netanyahu stated that: “And one more thing. When Israel ACTS to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons that could destroy Israel and threaten every American city, every city that you come from, we’re not only protecting ourselves. We are protecting you!”

Joining us now to discuss this situation further is Ronald Stetton, author of the book The Prophet. It “presents an intriguing comparison of ancient prophecies from the Bible and the Koran, suggesting that our current tribulations have led to the ‘Last Days’.

The book dives deep into the teachings of the opposer whose thoughts have deceived the world in by way of a not-so-new religion. By this means, he has “destroyed many buy peace.” Ron’s book draws stunning parallels and revelations between scriptures and modern global developments, such as the recent UN 26-13 vote instituting “blasphemy laws,” forbidding criticism of Mohammed.”

Welcome, Ronald!


  1. Why do you think Netanyahu decided to pay a visit to Congress now, compared to when he could have done it months ago?
  2. What do you think about the unwavering statements he makes? Do they help Israel, or did they possibly create more questions about his leadership?
  3. We’ve seen this conflict war between Israel and Islamic Jihad go on for nine months now. Is there any end in sight? Or will it get worse before it gets better?
  4. What connection does the biblical reference to the “abomination of that causes desolation” have to do with this ongoing conflict?
  5. The continuing references to “nuclear” and “technologically advanced weapons” is unnerving. What is the significant change and where is this heading?
  6. Tell us more about your new book, “The Prophet”. What are some of the key takeaways for readers?
  7. Where can our audience get a copy of your book, “The Prophet”?

About Ronald Stetton:

Author of “The Prophet,” Ron Stetton offers a riveting perspective on the changing definition of truth in our times, where emotions supersede factual accuracies, creating societal delusions. Ronald’s work asserts that this deviation from reality is simply another layer of the fog of delusion that has kept men from acknowledging many inconvenient truths. His book can be summarized by the single word “apokalypsis.”

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at jerry@specialguests.com.

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