Special Guests

President Joe Biden Wants Police To Learn To “Shoot To Stop” Rather Than “Shoot To Kill” – But It’s Not That Simple (Guest: Michael Letts)

Alongside fellow law experts, InVest USA’s Michael Letts explains why the President’s comments are a bit off.

President Joe Biden made some interesting comments surrounding police officers over the weekend, questioning the idea of “shoot to kill” with certain suspects.

“When I was coming up as a kid, cops were required to learn to shoot to kill. Well, you ought to be able to shoot to stop,” the President noted in a recent White House speech.

However, several law enforcement specialists have spoken up, explaining why this isn’t as easy as Biden would like to think it should be. 

“Cops are literally trained to shoot to stop the threat. You stop by aiming center mass. There’s no such thing as hitting arms and legs in a life or death situation. The only experience with firearms the people telling Biden to say this have probably come from playing GTA (‘Grand Theft Auto’ video game),” said Greg Price, a conservative digital strategist.

Author Geoffrey Miller also noted that Biden “[sounded] like a guy who’s spent less than 1 hour at a shooting range in his entire life.” LTC News publisher Matt McCann was quick to add, “I think his Secret Service detail would tell him differently.”

With us now to discuss this further is Michael Letts, a law enforcement veteran with 30 years of experience under his belt. Letts is the president, founder and CEO for InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers, through various charitable groups and sponsorships. His expertise is most welcome in this matter.


  1. Biden believes in the idea of “shoot to stop” rather than “shoot to kill.” But why do you, along with many experts, believe this is difficult to follow?
  2. While the idea of shooting a criminal in the arm or leg may slow them down, wouldn’t they still have the capacity to try and attack officers with a weapon? Do you think Biden missed that certain detail?
  3. Considering that officers have to put their lives on the line to keep people safe, do you think Biden doesn’t understand what they’re going through when he made that statement?
  4. Do you think there’s extra pressure on officers following the fallout that came with “defund the police” over the past couple of years?
  5. What’s a better way that Biden could’ve made his statement? Or should he just stick to getting the police funded?
  1. You’re the creator of InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers through various charitable groups and sponsorships. Tell us more about that, and why support for fellow officers is so important right now.
  2. We understand that InVest USA is also actively involved with Twitter. Where can interested parties learn more?

Those interested in what I do on Twitter can do so on the official Invest USA account.

About Michael Letts:

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 919-437-0001.

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