Special Guests

President Biden’s Left-Behind Remnants of the Afghanistan Pullout Could Push the Taliban To Dangerous New Heights (Guest: Michael Letts)

The law enforcement veteran discusses a new report suggesting that the President left behind $7 billion in weapons and fingerprint scanners – ripe for use by the Taliban.

President Biden’s withdrawal in Afghanistan was nothing short of disaster. Along with the deaths of 13 soldiers, it appears now that several billion dollars of weapons and equipment were left behind. Weapons and equipment that, unfortunately, the Taliban could very well get its hands on.

new report by the New York Times revealed that, following the botched withdrawal, fingerprint scanning devices and various guns – totaling $7.1 billion in value – were abandoned. And apparently, the Biden/Harris Administration knew that would happen.

The Defense Department and the Administration both noted that “nearly all equipment used by U.S. military forces in Afghanistan was either retrograded or destroyed prior to our withdrawal.” However, in spite of that very vague statement, it appears that quite a bit of this weaponry and technology has ended up in the hands of the Taliban.

The report notes, “The Taliban claim to have recovered 40 operational aircraft from the former Afghan government, including two Mi-17 helicopters, two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, two MD-530 light helicopters, two Mi-24 helicopter gunships, and one fixed-wing transport aircraft — all of which have since been observed flying according to the UN Sanctions Monitoring.”

If that’s the case, this could very well be a move that comes back to bite Biden – and, for that matter, Harris as she prepares to move into a Presidential election.

Joining us now to discuss this further is Michael Letts, a law enforcement veteran with over 30 years of experience under his belt. Letts is President, Founder and CEO of InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers through various programs.

His expertise in all things law and order make him a great guest for this program. Welcome, Michael!


  1. What are your thoughts on this report? Is it disturbing that so much technology and weaponry are practically being gifted to the Taliban by Biden?
  2. Why do you think Biden botched the Afghanistan pullout so badly? Shouldn’t this have been researched better so that what was left behind would be rendered useless?
  3. What kind of effect will this leave on Biden’s legacy? And, for that matter, could this hurt Harris’ chances of being elected President?
  4. What does this say for the safety of this country? We’ve already seen a world of danger from the growing Border Crisis, but now this situation could lead to a large problem.
  5. What can be done about this? Is there any way to get these weapons and equipment back? Or is it literally time to fight fire with fire?
  6. Tell us more about InVest USA, and why support for fellow officers is so important right now.
  7. Where can we learn more about InVest USA, and how those interested can help their fellow officers.
    1. You can visit our official InVest USA website, and learn more on the official Invest USA Twitter account. You can also learn about my new initiative at RestoringJustice.US, where we discuss lawful issues surrounding citizens of the United States.

About Michael Letts:

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

Interview Demos and Articles on Michael Letts of InVest USA

Fox Business News/ Ground Zero First Responder Michael Letts reflects on 9/11 attacks nearly 20 years later: https://www.foxbusiness.com/video/6271838161001

The Pro-American Report with Ed Martin interview with Michael Letts on The State of Law Enforcement https://soundcloud.com/pseagles/michael-letts-the-state-of-law-enforcement-december-15-2023-proamericareport

Albany Herald article “Cops are human, too” by Michael Letts: https://www.albanyherald.com/opinion/michael-letts-cops-are-human-too/article_3c63cb3a-7952-11ec-9672-3f6263ea4338.html

Tipping Point w. Kara McKinney/ One America News – Michael Letts – Criminals Abound https://rumble.com/vw37so-tipping-point-michael-letts-criminals-abound.html

News Herald: FBI boss just warned of a ‘dangerous’ terrorist threat, so why isn’t he doing anything?

About Michael Letts: https://michaelletts.us/

About InVest USA: https://investusa.org

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at bookings@specialguests.com.

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