Special Guests

Ten-Year-Old SETS World Record in Mountain Climbing (Guest: Joe Evermore)

Courageous Sam Evermore is being Raised to AVOID
“Safe Spaces”

Ten-year-old Sam Adventure Evermore is no ordinary kid, whose middle name may be a bit of an understatement. His father Joe and mother Ann are certainly not Helicopter Parents, though Joe and Sam do climb to the sky, most recently to the top of the tallest sheer mountain face in North America.

Check out these NEVER BEFORE SEEEN videos and photos!



“Over the last several decades, American children have become soft,” Joe Says, “seeking ‘safe spaces’ to protect them from speech, of all things. We teach our kids run from ‘safe spaces’ and lean into fear.” Joe has decided to lead his son Sam down (actually up) an unconventional path.

When Sam climbed El Capitan – the Tallest Sheer Wall in North America – in the Yosemite Valley at 8-years-old, with his father, he set a record. He became the youngest person to ever reach El Capitan’s summit.

To quote Sam’s mother Ann, “Don’t wrap your kids in bubble wrap!”


  1. **How are you able to raise courageous kids at a time when everything
  2. we see and hear these days is about ‘safe spaces’?
  3. **What is it like climbing these mountains with your young son?
  4. **How have these experiences drawn your family closer?
  5. **How have people responded to your adventures? Do you find them mostly supportive?
  6. What are some of the unexpected things you encountered when climbing El Capitan?
  7. What do you teach your kids about fear?
  8. I understand you not only encourage your kids to set goals, but you also have RULES for every goal. Can you talk about that?

Watch a Podcast Interview with Joe

About Sam, Joe, and the Evermores…
Sam is a kid who loves to climb mountains with his dad. Each rock face they scale is one more chance to get to the top, look out over the world, holler, “Whoop!” and give out high fives. He’s been doing this since he was three years old.

But to dad, Joe, their tandem climbs each have a different purpose. Each mountain is intended to be another challenge that Sam will learn to overcome. Joe is banking each ascent, creating a stash of victories upon which Sam can make withdrawals throughout his life, so he can not only climb a few mountains, but move a few too.

To learn more, go to Sam Adventure!

Sam Adventure

Here is a link to a video showing Sam’s training regimen

MEDIA CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or jerry@specialguests.com


  1. **How are you able to raise courageous kids at a time when everything
  2. we see and hear these days is about ‘safe spaces’?
  3. **What is it like climbing these mountains with your young son?
  4. **How have these experiences drawn your family closer?
  5. **How have people responded to your adventures? Do you find them mostly supportive?
  6. What are some of the unexpected things you encountered when climbing El Capitan?
  7. What do you teach your kids about fear?
  8. I understand you not only encourage your kids to set goals, but you also have RULES for every goal. Can you talk about that?

Watch a Podcast Interview with Joe

About Sam, Joe, and the Evermores…
Sam is a kid who loves to climb mountains with his dad. Each rock face they scale is one more chance to get to the top, look out over the world, holler, “Whoop!” and give out high fives. He’s been doing this since he was three years old.

But to dad, Joe, their tandem climbs each have a different purpose. Each mountain is intended to be another challenge that Sam will learn to overcome. Joe is banking each ascent, creating a stash of victories upon which Sam can make withdrawals throughout his life, so he can not only climb a few mountains, but move a few too.

To learn more, go to Sam Adventure!

Sam Adventure

Here is a link to a video showing Sam’s training regimen

MEDIA CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or jerry@specialguests.com

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