Rising gas prices cut Police patrol time, lengthening response time, triggering a 1000% increase in Panic Room inquiries.
Interview guest Police Officer Michael Letts
Intro: Current public policy decisions have dramatic impacts on public safety and health across America, ranging from reduced law enforcement patrols to longer response times for fire and EMS due to gas price increases. Longer response times have caused crime to go up. That, in turn, triggered the law of unintended consequences, prompting upper-income residents to increase inquiries for panic room construction by 1000%.
Budget cuts made to appease Defund the Police activists have caused officers to be killed or injured, such as the two SWAT officers from Pierce County Sheriff’s Office in Spanaway, Washington.
Our guest to discuss these alarming trends is Michael Letts, CEO of InVest USA, a charity that provides bulletproof vests to police officers and other first responders. Welcome, Michael.
- Rising fuel prices: Before we ask you about higher gas prices for police in patrol cars, where do you think the blame lies for fuel prices that have more than doubled?
Answer: The answer fall squarely on one person: Joe Biden. When taking office, the first thing he did was kill the Keystone Pipeline and make it more difficult for domestic drilling and fracking.
- What impact are rising fuel costs having on Public Safety across America today?
Answer: Rising gas prices reduce the time police, fire, and EMS teams can spend in their vehicles, causing crime to rise across the board.
- Do reduced response times affect the crime rate currently being experienced today?
Answer: It definitely makes a huge difference, which is why those who can afford it are looking to install Panic rooms.
- What is a panic room?
Answer: A panic room is a secure location in a home where parties secure themselves until law enforcement arrives, which is currently running about 90 minutes in the Los Angeles area. Some basic panic rooms have a think layer of Kevlar in the walls. Higher-end rooms are built with three inches of steel.
- Recently two officers from a small SWAT Team in Washington State were shot and hospitalized, with one policeman fighting for his life. Tell us about this.
Answer: Municipalities have cut police budgets. The combination of budget cuts and the demonization of police by such groups as Defund the Police have caused tactical teams to get smaller and more dangerous to police officers, such as in this case.
- Please tell us about your work at InVest USA, where we may learn more about your charity, and how we may help.
Answer: By visiting www.investusa.org
Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of InVest USA, a national nonprofit, charitable organization based in Columbia, South Carolina, helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.
CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Celinda Hawkins of Special Guests PR Agency at (432) 349-2736 jerry.specialguests@gmail.com, or Jerry McGlothlin at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com
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