Special Guests

Parents Filed a Lawsuit Against Ludlow’s School System For “Transitioning” Children, and It’s Gaining Traction (Guest: Sheri Few)

There had been some concerns as of late from parents regarding Ludlow Public Schools, and how certain members of their staff were secretly counseling children to identify as “transgender.” But they’re not taking it quietly.

According to news reports, the parents have filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court, accusing the school of these practices. It appears to be moving forward on the basis of the “transgender” claims, as well as persuasion to adopt opposite-sex names and other “personal pronouns.”

“[The Ludlow School Committee and implicated educators] exceeded the bounds of legitimate pedagogical concerns and usurped the role of [the plaintiffs] and other parents in the Town of Ludlow to direct the education and upbringing of their children, make medical and mental health decisions for their children and to promote and preserve family privacy and integrity,” the lawsuit notes.

Joining us now to discuss the matter further is Sheri Few, president of U.S. Parents Involved In Education, or USPIE. The group is ready to release a documentary titled Truth & Lies In American Education, and continues to look for the best values for children and their parents.


  1. Are teachers the right people to be educating system on “transgender” and “personal pronouns”? Or do you believe that’s the decision of the parents?
  2. Why do you think staff at this school have to be “secretly counseling” students on this matter? We’ve certainly heard about this happening more and more in public schools, why do you think that is?
  3. Should this lawsuit gain enough traction (and a potential victory), what kind of effect do you see this having on other schools with their teachings?
  4. We recently discussed Florida banning certain math books for having “controversial” terms along these lines. Should there just be an overhaul of teaching in general, or certain guidelines set?
  5. We understand the law firm representing the family is being led by attorney Vernadette Broyles. She’s fought for children’s rights for some time. What can you tell us about her?
  6. Where can we learn more about Truth & Lies In American Education, as well as USPIE in general?
  7. Those that want to learn more can visit http://www.uspie.org.

About Sheri Few:

Sheri Few is the Founder and has served as President of SC Parents Involved in Education since June 2000. She founded US Parents Involved in Education in 2014 and serves as President. Sheri led the fight against Common Core in SC that ended with her candidacy for SC Superintendent of Education where she narrowly lost. She was endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Sheri is known for her expertise on Common Core and education policy, and has been a featured speaker for national and local conferences and radio shows.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin jerry@specialguests.com 919-437-0001

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