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One Year After the Dobbs Leak, Rev. Jim Harden Says More Attacks Are on the Way (Guest: Jim Harden)

It’s been approximately one year since the unprecedented leak of the draft of the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade. On May 24, the Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin from the National Terrorism Advisory System, warning that the “factors that could mobilize individuals to commit violence include… judicial decisions pertaining to sociopolitical issues. … Likely targets of potential violence include…faith-based institutions….”

On May 9, it was revealed that the DHS joined the FBI in a pattern of criminal behavior targeting pro-lifers—this time mothers. Documents revealed that the DHS considers peaceful pro-life mothers to be potential domestic terror threats. This is consistent with behavior from the FBI, as whistleblowers from within revealed, issuing a threat tag for agents to be aware of “pro-life adherence,” and to look into “pregnancy centers” while spying on pro-life Catholics

Pro-life pregnancy centers have come under attack by Jane’s Revenge and other Antifa groups of Maoist ideology, using the abortion issue as a flashpoint to create opportunities for Antifa recruitment. Among these attacks was a brutal firebombing on CompassCare in Buffalo, in which, despite the suspects being caught on video, no arrests have been made. Jane’s Revenge took credit for the attack as the fulfillment of their 30-day threat issued after the firebombing of Wisconsin Family Action in Madison, WI.

Rev. Jim Harden, the CEO of CompassCare, also noted as early as August of 2022 that things could get worse as the 2024 Presidential Election approaches. “Based on the political power struggle currently happening in the aftermath of Roe’s reversal and the lead up to the 2024 Presidential Election…I predict in 2023 that the pro-abortion empire and those politicians and big corporations that protect it will increase attacks against pro-life people and organizations.”

Harden can’t help but wonder why the DHS took so long to issue a warning, especially with all the violence that’s taken place against pro-life entities. “Is this bulletin an attempt by the DHS to protect itself rather than pro-life Christians unjustly vilified and victimized by pro-abortion terrorists, violence which they have refused to recognize?”

Despite over 300 attacks on pro-life entities, federal law enforcement has not labeled any of the attacks or their perpetrators as domestic terror threats. 

Harden joins us now to discuss this situation further.


  1. There are reports surrounding Christian mothers being targets of investigation by the DHS. Can you talk to us more about that?
  2. On June 7, 2022, you labeled the ongoing attacks on pro-life entities the “pro-abortion Kristallnacht.” Can you elaborate on this?
  3. Has the FBI stopped slow walking these cases? 
  4. Why did the DHS take so long to issue a warning when the pattern of attacks is so clear? 
  5. How bad do you think the violence will get as we head into the 2024 Presidential Election? 
  6. Will abortion continue to be abortion be a major decision-making factor in the 2024 election?
  7. Let’s talk more about the firebombing that took place last year in Buffalo. Tell us what you were going through with that, and how tough it was to rebuild following everything that happened.
  8. How can America end the pro-abortion Kristallnacht
  9. Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare?

They can visit our official website at CompassCareCommunity.com.

About Rev. Jim Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children.

Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbs in 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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