Special Guests

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum Makes Landmark Decision To Ban Nearly All Abortions In the State (Guest: Jim Harden)

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden expects some opposition, but sees the move as a win for pro-life supporters.

At a time when pro-life and pro-abortion sides continue to build, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has made his choice very clear.

Earlier this week, the Republican Governor signed legislation that bans nearly all abortions within the state. The only exception appears to be for certain situations surrounding up to six week’s gestation. These mainly revolve around cases of rape, incest or medial emergency, including ectopic pregnancy.

Said Burgum in a statement, “This bill clarifies and refines existing state law, and reaffirms North Dakota as a pro-life state.”

The decision is one of the most straightforward in the battle for abortion following the fallout of the Roe v. Wade overturning from last year, which resulted in many states setting up their own laws and exceptions.

Many supporters voiced in favor of the newly placed law, which should take effect immediately pending a Supreme Court decision on a previous ban. There’s no doubt that the decision will likely not sit easy with those that side with pro-abortion groups, namely Maoist Antifa-supported ones like Jane’s Revenge.

With us now is Rev. Jim Harden, CEO for CompassCare and its surrounding Pregnancy Centers. His expertise on all things pro-life should be useful in this discussion.


  1. What does this legislature say about North Dakota’s devotion to protecting all human life?
  2. Are decisions such as this tough to make for a state’s local government? What do you believe is the biggest opposition when legislature like this is crafted?
  3. Do you believe other states could follow North Dakota’s example? Or will they continue to follow their own crafted laws surrounding abortion?
  4. What kind of opposition do you expect with North Dakota’s decision? Could Jane’s Revenge or another Maoist Antifa group possibly attack pregnancy centers within the state?
  5. Where do you see the “battle for abortion” going in the months ahead? 
  6. Last summer, a CompassCare location in Buffalo was firebombed, with the suspects being caught on video tape. And yet, we haven’t seen any arrests from that particular act, only for a defacing that took place months later. How frustrated are you by the lack of action towards these criminals?
  7. There are doubtless people listening now who want to help. What can they do?

Go to ProtectProLifeChristians.com.

  1. Tell us more about CompassCare and the services you provide for those needing assistance with their pregnancy.
  2. For those that are interested in supporting CompassCare and learning more about the services they provide, where can they go?

You can find more information at CompassCareCommunity.com.

Rev. Jim Harden, CompassCare CEO:

Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div. is the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services and lives outside of Rochester, NY with his wife and ten children. Rev. Harden pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He has written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy. Recently CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo, NY was firebombed.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001, or geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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