Special Guests

New Jersey Stance On Sexual Education Draws Ire From Parents — And Attention From Politicians

For the past couple of years, New Jersey’s educational board has been teaching lessons about sex in classrooms. However, as of late, it’s drawn a great deal of ire from concerned parents.

This came after a local school board in Union Country shared several sample resources that educators could use, keeping in line with the standards the state had set. These included gender identity, anatomy and sexual orientation. While it was noted they weren’t specifically part of the district’s curriculum, parents and politicians alike have objected to this, noting that these samples are too graphic for children of a young age.

There has also been opinions about teaching young kids about “gender identity,” as parents believe it’s too young an age to learn about such things. As a result, Governor Phil Murphy recently called for the state’s Department of Education to review its sexual education standards, noting he wants them to “provide further clarification on what age-appropriate guidelines look like for our students.”

Joining us now is Sheri Few, who serves as president of United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) to talk about the subject. Her team is also producing a new documentary, Truth and Lies In American Education.


  1. In your opinion, what age should a child be when they first learn about sexual education? Is starting at second grade a bit too early?
  2. What do you think about “gender identity” being taught in schools?
  3. Are parents in the right for objecting to what their children are being taught in schools about sex? Is there a better way to teach them, you think?
  4. What do you think will come from Murphy’s request? Do you believe New Jersey’s Department of Education will make any notable changes to its program?
  5. Do you think other states will see this and make changes to their own programs? Could there be a nationwide initiative introduced to help educate students more?
  6. Where can we learn more about USPIE and Truth and Lies In American Education?        

A: They can visit the official website at USPIE.org.

About Sheri Few:

Sheri Few is the Founder and has served as President of SC Parents Involved in Education since June 2000. She founded US Parents Involved in Education in 2014 and serves as President. Sheri led the fight against Common Core in SC that ended with her candidacy for SC Superintendent of Education where she narrowly lost. She was endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Sheri is known for her expertise on Common Core and education policy, and has been a featured speaker for national and local conferences and radio shows.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin jerry@specialguests.com 919-437-0001

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