Special Guests

Never mind that the Supreme Court Declined Taking up the Pennsylvania Case.

They can Hear the Texas Case (that includes Pennsylvania) instead!

Interview opportunity with Trump 2016 Deputy Campaign Manager Rick Gates

The president continues to fight against voter fraud malfeasance and is being encouraged not to concede the presidential election. The recent United States Supreme Court’s decision to reject a case brought by Pennsylvania Republicans to stop the state’s election certification is a cowardly response by the justices. It is the strongest signal yet that the Court has no intention of becoming enmeshed in the election outcome despite evidence of fundamental fraud.

In a positive development for President Trump, the state of Texas filed a suit against four key states including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan claiming that these states conducted “unlawful elections” and arguing that the results are unconstitutional. The court will likely take up that decision this week since cases brought forth by individual states are the only cases allowed to go directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. 

The President has two additional strategies he is pursuing and are gaining traction. The first is the electoral college vote scheduled to take place December 14th. If the president can convince enough electors from the states that fraud irrevocably impacted the race, he could prevent Joe Biden from securing the necessary 270 votes. 

A third path for victor for the president is to convince enough state delegations that the election was marred by fraud and take his battle to Congress January 6 when the electoral college vote must be reviewed and certified by the state delegations. If he can favorably succeed in either instance the president can still win. 

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 jerry.specialguests@gmail.com 

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