Special Guests

Chicago grants rights to illegals to legally carry guns/ Navigating Gun Ownership Rights (Guests: Stephen Willeford or Erich Pratt)

The Gun Owners of America reps discuss the necessity of gun rights, as others attempt to revoke them.

TOPIC: An in-depth discussion on considerations and individual rights within the American judicial system regarding gun ownership, with insights into recent court rulings affecting gun rights and responsibilities.

In a time when gun ownership and the Second Amendment are hot topics in the American judicial and public spheres, Erich Pratt and Stephen Willeford offer valuable perspectives grounded in advocacy, real-life heroism, and a deep understanding of the issues at hand. This discussion will delve into the balance between individual rights and societal safety, the impact of recent court rulings on gun ownership, and the broader implications for American citizens.

Available Guests:

– Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America (GOA), an organization dedicated to promoting Second Amendment rights.
– Stephen Willeford, a notable member of the Gun Owners of America and hailed as a hero for using his own firearm to stop a mass shooting in progress, demonstrating the real-world implications and responsibilities of gun ownership. He also co-wrote a book about the experience, A Town Called Sutherland Springs: Faith and Heroism Through Tragedy.

Key Discussion Points:

– The significance of the Second Amendment in today’s society.
– Analysis of recent court rulings affecting gun ownership, including the rights of non-citizens.
– The role of gun owners and organizations like GOA in shaping public policy and perception.
– Real-life examples of gun ownership impacting individual and community safety.
– Strategies for responsible gun ownership and advocacy within the current legal framework.

Why This Matters Now:

Recent judicial decisions and legislative actions have brought gun ownership and the Second Amendment back into the national conversation. With passionate voices on all sides, it’s crucial to have informed discussions that consider the legal, ethical, and practical aspects of gun ownership in America. Erich Pratt and Stephen Willeford bring a wealth of experience and insight to this conversation, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of gun rights and responsibilities in the United States.


 Erich Pratt and Stephen Willeford are available for interviews and discussions on both national and local platforms. Their expertise and experiences are especially relevant for audiences interested in the intersections of law, individual rights, and public safety.

Contact: To book Erich Pratt and Stephen Willeford for your show or for further information, please contact Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests Publicity at 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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