Special Guests

Mitch McConnell Steps Down as final anti-MAGA leader in Congress (Guest: Jim Harden)

Clears the way for True Conservative Judeo-Christian Governance

Senator Mitch McConnell has stepped down as the Senate Republican leader, ending his 17-year run. But at least the 82-year-old leader had the decency to endorse Trump on his way to the exit door—Just kidding. Of course, RINO McConnell did not endorse Trump. In fact, he’s the only member of Republican congressional leadership NOT to endorse REPUBLICAN President Donald Trump. 

So, what does this mean? Will this pave the way for an even more liberal leader? Or can it usher in an era of true conservative Judeo-Christian governance?

Our guest, Jim Harden, founder of CompassCare, says when Republicans take a stand on vital conservative issues, they win. And when they cower in fear, running for cover when a pro-life vote comes to the floor, they lose. Welcome Jim. 


  1. Jim Harden, why do you disagree with compromising on wedge issues like abortion, as Mitch has tried to do to expand the size of the GOP tent? 

Answer: Because it doesn’t widen the tent. It shrinks it. Anytime a so-called Republican leader sells out core issues such as pro-life, millions of voters sit out the elections, unwilling to vote for a lesser of two evils that’s still evil.

  • Some might argue that not compromising is evil since it might result in losing key votes, such as on abortion.

Answer: Actually, the vast majority of Americans believe in God and basic rights of human beings, including the pre-born. It’s vital to stand by the Republican platform to engage activists willing to get out the vote. Of course, all votes count, and compromising on key issues might get a handful of single votes. But when you stand on principle and attract committed activists, they can each get hundreds, or even thousands of votes. 

  • Can you give me an example of that?

Answer: Yes. Take the most outrageous position you could ever think of that doesn’t have a snowball’s chance of seeing the light of day of being seriously discussed, let alone become law, and with enough activists, it can win. The one I’m thinking of is the gender bender issue. No one in their right mind would have thought these immoral and barbaric surgeries would become mainstream, and they are. Republicans refused to fight hard enough, and our nation is now embracing the unthinkable.

  • Your organization, CompassCare pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York was firebombed. Tell us about that and have there been any convictions yet? 

Answer: No convictions. It’s double standard. Trash a pregnancy center that dares to offer both choices, and you get vandalized. But if you even look cross-eyed at an abortion clinic, you might expect to get an extended prison sentence.

  • Tell us more about CompassCare. And do you help or hurt women?
  • Where can we get more information about CompassCare? 

Answer: CompassCare.info 

About James Harden

Rev. James Harden, a dedicated pro-life advocate and leader of CompassCare, is known for his outspoken views on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy. With a family of ten children and a strong moral compass, he believes in the adage, “Money follows morality.” Harden has been vocal about perceived corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in post-Roe America. His predictions about the Dobbs decision in 2018 and the demise of the “Red Wave” in 2022 showcase his deep understanding of the political landscape.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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