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Media Reveals Gross Double Standard in Trump vs. Hunter Biden Trials (Guest: Kenin Spivak)

The Politico headline from Sunday reads “The 2 judges overseeing Hunter Biden’s trials have a lot in common. For starters, they were both appointed by Trump.” The USA Today headline that Google opted to highlight Monday: “Who is David Weiss? What to know about Trump-appointed special counsel on Hunter Biden case.” Jury selection is just under way and already, the media is seeking to discredit the trial of Hunter Biden, the son of their beloved President, Joe Biden. 

Contrast that with the media blackout of negative information on the judge who presided over the trial that landed former President Donald Trump 34 felony convictions. The media praised Judge Tanya Chutkan as “no-nonsense” and ignored the fact that she was appointed by President Barack Obama and already handed down harsh sentences to those involved in the January 6 mele. 

Kenin Spivak (SPIV-ak) is an attorney and is also a writer for The American Mind magazine of the Claremont Institute. He is acutely aware of how these trials work and also of the gross media bias we are witnessing at this time in history.

Welcome, Kenin.


1. Did you feel Donald Trump had a fair trial?

2. Was the judge fair?

3. Do you feel Hunter Biden will receive a fair trial?

4. Have you noticed the difference in how the media are handling these two trials?

5. Does it shock you how different it is?

6. Why do they do this? Is it simply because Joe Biden, Hunter Biden’s father, is a Democrat? Or is there more to it?

7. Do you think the American public, in general, is fooled by the media bias?

8. Is the media bias more on display since these trials are back to back?

9. How do you think this will all play out come November?

10. It seems to be such a fragile time in this world. From the Columbia protests and all the antisemitism, the trend against Israel, to the Trump convictions and now this bizarre double-standard. Are we on the verge of a meltdown in this country?

About Kenin Spivak:

Renown financier Michael Milken recruited Mr. Spivak to develop media opportunities. To do so, Mr. Spivak co-founded and was CEO of Archon Communications. Mr. Spivak brought in Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorporation as an investor, acquired control of media companies, including industry-leader Premiere Radio Networks, and guided the portfolio to success. As chairman of the Premiere Radio Networks executive committee, Spivak invigorated the company and then sold both Archon and Premiere to Jacor for a considerable profit. He next served as chairman of the independent directors’ committee of Metro Traffic Networks, the global leader in traffic and news reporting and directed that company’s sale to Viacom for $1.9 billion ($3.3 billion in current dollars).

Mr. Spivak also served as chairman or vice chairman of leading independent film and television production and distribution companies; produced theatrical motion pictures released by 20th Century Fox and animated DVD’s for children; produced and hosted radio and television public affairs and talk series in New York City; and acquired, led and sold publishers Phoenix New Millennium and Knowledge Exchange. He wrote the thriller, The Karasik Conspiracy, served as chairman of the editorial board for The Knowledge Exchange Business Encyclopedia, distributed by Warner Books, and contributed to Larry King’s Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, a compendium of essays on the justice system.


For detailed inquiries or to arrange an interview with Kenin Spivak, please contact Jerry McGlothlin geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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