Special Guests

Media Feigns Shock that Alito has Yet to Step Down Over Flag Controversy (Guest: JD Rucker)

Because Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew a flag that we have also seen at several Democrat run locations, the media are acting as if that might be reason to recuse himself from a case involving Donald Trump.

An upside-down flag, flown after the inauguration of President Joe Biden, and a flag with the motto “Appeal to Heaven” were both put up by Alito’s wife, according to the Supreme Court Justice.  The “Appeal to Heaven” flag was flown originally by George Washington during the Revolutionary War. More recently, it was seen at the San Francisco City Hall until the Alito controversy erupted and the left felt the need to distance itself from the motto. It’s even on a postage stamp. 

Wednesday, Alito said he would not step aside. 

JD Rucker, the CEO of Best USA Beef and the editor of The Liberty Daily, has been following this story since it broke.

He joins us now.


1. How did this controversy get started?

2. Nearly every major network is making a big deal of this flag. Why now?

3. Why do you suppose they waited this long to make the flag an issue?

4. The Washington Post had this story three years ago and didn’t publish it then because it appeared to be the decision of Alito’s wife to fly the flag. What changed?

A: Why they didn’t run with the story before: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/2024/05/29/washington-post-alito-flag-missed-story/2b400830-1d71-11ef-becb-2cf8dbfd9eb9_story.html

5. What does the flag mean by Appeal to Heaven?

                  A: https://www.americanflags.com/blog/post/an-appeal-to-heaven-flag-meaning

6. Does Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito have any reason to recuse himself from this case?

7. Do you believe the nature of the case had more to do with this effort to remove Alito than the flag itself?

8. If Alito did recuse himself, might it help the Democrats? 

9. The left seems to look for ways to disparage many things that are traditionally American, including the beef industry. What are you doing to counter that?

10. Are you finding success promoting something all Americans love?

About JD Rucker…

JD Rucker the CEO of Best USA Beef and the editor of The Liberty Daily, a news platform known for its insightful commentary on current events, as well as providing news analysis rarely reported by mainstream media. JD is a Christian, husband, father, and advocate for preparedness and self-reliance, frequently discussing the importance of prepping in today’s unpredictable world. Learn more at https://BestUSAbeef.com

JD’s hysterical video of beef cows typing on keyboard: https://youtu.be/NrWXurE4lUo

Contact Information:

For interviews, contact:

Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests Publicity LLC

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com

The story on Alito deciding not to step aside: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/justice-alito-declines-step-trump-related-cases-flag-spat-rcna154540

Story on San Francisco and the flag: https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/san-francisco-stops-flying-appeal-to-heaven-flag-that-landed-justice-alioto-hot-water-far-right/

The postage stamp: https://x.com/budlightsadness/status/1794333085510881379?s=61&t=M0xPyS5GxBo4nLtSVgWdXQ&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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