Special Guests

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month In the Covid-19 Era, Virtual Scouting can Help

Across America people’s lives have been completely upended — the majority of them living in places with some form of restricted movement or lockdown. 

Depression and Anxiety are major issues impacting girls under ‘normal’ circumstances. Dealing with a national shutdown and fears over a new Pandemic has surely only exacerbated the situation. 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and American Heritage Girls is doing their part to help girls and young women cope with emotional issues stemming from the pandemic. 

American Heritage Girls is a scouting group that helps girls combat mental health challenges by striving to instill confidence, learning, and achieving, and growing in faith. Through badge work, service, and faith-centered programming, the American Heritage Girls program seeks to teach girls that they don’t have to be perfect by the world’s standards. Still, they can discover Biblical truths to assure them of their worth and God-given identity. Joining us is Patti Garibay, founder of American Heritage Girls. 

Sample Q&A but feel free to ask any questions you wish: 

  1. How can American Heritage girls help young girls and women deal with anxiety and depression? 
  1. What ways is your organization helping girls cope with the uncertainty and fears faced by them, their families and society during these uncharted times? 
  1. What are the ways American Heritage Girls are virtually connecting and conducting service projects?
  1. What are you tips to parents who are struggling with their family’s new ‘normal?’
  1. What are some ways to overcome fear and anxiety amid the COVID-19 uncertainty?
  1. Where may we get more information on American Heritage Girls and your work?


Patti Garibay with her husband are co-founders of American Heritage Girls, a wholesome scouting alternative for girls. Patti is a featured speaker nationally on the topic raising Godly girls (RGG). Along with her blog posts, Patti is a popular guest on talk shows on relevant girl-centric topics ranging from body image to bullying. 

In her upcoming autobiography, Patti gives readers a glimpse into her journey from the humble beginnings of American Heritage Girls around her kitchen table in Cincinnati, to where it is today, a formidable national organization offering a positive environment in a largely Godless culture. 

Patti Garibay is a living tribute to traditional values of old, offering an alternative to a lonesome online world. In Patti’s word of American Heritage Girls, she delights in her mission to help raise Godly girls, helping girls make real friends, who really chat, who also happen to enjoy camping and other outdoor adventures in a real world.

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