Special Guests

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Blake Harbin Are the Congressional Races To Watch In GA (Guest: Blake Harbin)

Congressional candidates Marjorie Taylor Greene and Blake Harbin were in the political crosshairs following their lively televised debates over the weekend.

Greene’s 9th District opponents painted her as being ineffective due to her reported involvement with the January 6 Capital demonstrations.

6th District Blake Harbin, on the other hand, defended Marjorie Greene’s positions and actions, including her right to question the 2020 election results and the right of Capital demonstrators.

Republican Adam Kinzinger yesterday on Face the Nation said “it’s insane” that Marjorie Greene becomes “a victim and a poor helpless Congresswoman” when asked bout the January 6 demonstration, expressing that she forfeited her right to serve in Congress for her involvement.

Joining us to discuss this polarizing issue is Blake Harbin. Welcome, Blake.


  1. Blake, you actually defend the right of the Capital 6 demonstrators and Marjorie Greene’s right to stay in office and to run again. Tell us why.
  2. If the people of the 6th Congressional District send you to Washington, and if charges are proven that the Congresswoman from the 9th District texted President Trump to impose martial law to overturn the election results, would you still be defending her?
  3. Blake Harbin, you are a political conservative who had a tragic accident that left you in a wheelchair. Has that changed your political positions, and do you consider yourself a victim?

Answer: During the debate over the weekend, I expressed that almost 15 years ago, I was in an accident that left me paralyzed. I thought I was on death’s doorstep, but I fought back. I overcame adversity. Through the ups and downs, I started a small financial business and learned invaluable experience that I want to bring to the 6th District to help others. Before and after my accident, I remain a principled political conservative on all counts.

  1. What experience do you have that qualifies you to become a U.S. Congressman?

Answer: Experience matters. We need doers, not talkers. When people ask me why I am running for Congress, I tell them because we are in a fight for the survival and soul of our country. Teddy Roosevelt said, ‘speak softly but carry a big stick.’ I say it is time to start speaking loudly so our voices are heard. During the so-called pandemic, I didn’t sit around feeling sorry for myself. Instead, I helped out communities and worked to save thousands of jobs.

  1. You are the founder and CEO of Houzzle (HOW-huhl) Financial and a mortgage lender. What are the prospects for those desiring to be homeowners in the current market, and what insights do you have with regard to inflation and rising interest rates?
  1. Where may we get more information on your positions and your Congressional race? Life?

Answer: BlakeHarbin.com

Watch the 6th district congressional debate here. (https://www.gpb.org/events/news/2022/05/01/congressional-district-6-r)

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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