Special Guests

Israel Will Never Defeat Hamas Unless It Can Eliminate Iran’s Nuclear Program (Guest: Ronald Stetton)

The author of The Prophet discusses one big problem that Israel is overlooking in its effort to regain Gaza.

The battle between Israel and Hamas has been going for several months now, with Hezbollah and Iran getting involved as well. And while Israel remains confident that it can defeat its enemies in an effort to retain peace, one key factor is being overlooked – Iran’s own nuclear arsenal.

Avigdor Liberman, who serves as Party Leader for Israeli Knesset, noted, “Without defeating Iran and eliminating its nuclear program, neither Hezbollah or Hamas can be defeated.

“In order to stop the Iranian nuclear program – which is already in the weaponization stages – we must use all the means at our disposal. It should be clear at this stage, it is not possible to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons with conventional means.”

While Israel may have a plan in place for such nuclear contingency, it doesn’t appear to be close to addressing it in any manner – at least, based on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s thinking. 

So what happens now? Joining us now to discuss this situation further is Ronald Stetton, author of the book The Prophet. It “presents an intriguing exploration of ancient prophecies from the Bible, Koran, and Tanakh that may suggest our current days as the ‘Last Days’. 

Welcome, Ronald!


  1. The statement above was lost in the noise of the earthquake that has consumed the U.S. Executive Office. What does this Israeli statement mean to our listeners, as well as citizens as a whole?
  2. How are every-day Americans affected by the intellectual vacuum that has formed in the White House during this time of such dire global threats?
  3. With four months to the Presidential Election and six months from the transfer of power, are we, as a reasonable-minded people, asking the right questions over this war?
  4. Iran attacked common people, specifically Israel, back in April. Why is this seemingly fruitless attack so poignant in hindsight?
  5. With so many people in the region calling for “peace and safety,” why is it so difficult for either to be realized?
  6. The Greek word apokalypsis translates into “an unveiling.” With Christ’s identity having been known for two millennia, what is it that remains to be revealed, and why is the timing of such an apocalyptic relevant in this conversation?
  7. Tell us more about your new book, The Prophet. What inspired you to write it, and what are some of the key takeaways for readers?
  8. Where can our audience get a copy of your book, “The Prophet”?

About Ronald Stetton:

Author of The Prophet, Stetton offers a riveting perspective on the changing definition of truth in our times, where emotions supersede factual accuracies, creating societal delusions. Ronald’s work asserts that this deviation from reality is a sign of the ‘Last Days’ as per ancient biblical prophecies, offering a compelling analysis of how the world refuses to recognize its Biblical role.  CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or jerry@specialguests.com.

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