Special Guests

Israel Should Keep Fighting In Spite of Rafah Mistake (Guest: Sid Roth)

Interview Opportunity with Sid Roth, host of “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural”

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Sid Roth, host of ‘Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural,’ a television show with over two million daily viewers, and owner of Middle East TV, broadcast throughout Israel and the Middle East. We are here to discuss the recent United Nations resolution demanding that Israel halt its military operations against Hamas, and the tragic incident over the weekend where Israel accidentally killed dozens of civilians in Rafah. Despite this, Sid Roth will explain why Israel’s fight against Hamas is justified and necessary. Welcome, Sid.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

Sid, can you share your thoughts on the recent UN resolution demanding that Israel halt its military operations against Hamas?

Sid Roth: This resolution is a blatant betrayal of Israel’s right to self-defense. The UN has a long history of bias against Israel, and this latest action is just another example of its ineffective and unjust stance.

What is your response to the tragic incident in Rafah over the weekend where Israel accidentally killed dozens of civilians?

Sid Roth: Prime Minister Netanyahu has apologized for this tragic mistake, acknowledging the loss of innocent lives. However, mistakes happen in war. This does not negate the fact that Israel is defending itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization that intentionally targets civilians.

Why do you think Israelis are mocking the UN as “The United Nothing”?

Sid Roth: Israelis see the UN as biased and ineffective, especially when it comes to defending Israel’s right to protect itself from terrorist threats. The UN’s actions often seem to place a thumb on the scales of justice against Israel.

What is your response to the claim that the UN has no legitimate right to dictate Israel’s defense strategies?

Sid Roth: The UN indeed has no legitimate right to interfere in Israel’s sovereign decisions. Israel has the right to defend its citizens against terrorist organizations like Hamas, which have been recognized as such by the United States and Europe.

Can you explain the historical significance of the UN’s role in the establishment of Israel in 1947?

Sid Roth: In 1947, the UN played a crucial role in establishing the State of Israel through Resolution 181. This was seen as a divine intervention, fulfilling biblical prophecies and providing a homeland for the Jewish people after centuries of persecution.

Why do you believe Prime Minister Netanyahu opposes the UN’s interference?

Sid Roth: Netanyahu understands that allowing the UN to dictate Israel’s actions would compromise the nation’s security and sovereignty. The UN’s demands undermine Israel’s right to self-defense and justice.

What is the biblical perspective on nations supporting or opposing Israel, according to Genesis 12:3?

Sid Roth: Genesis 12:3 states, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” This promise to Abraham and his descendants implies that any nation undermining Israel risks divine judgment.

How does the UN’s demand for Israel to cease operations against Hamas affect Israel’s national security?

Sid Roth: The UN’s demand is unreasonable and immoral. Hamas is a terrorist organization that targets Israeli civilians. Expecting Israel to back down in the face of such aggression only perpetuates violence and endangers Israeli lives.

Can you comment on the Palestinian vote for Hamas and its implications?

Sid Roth: The Palestinian people voted Hamas into power with 80% of the vote, despite Hamas being a recognized terrorist organization. This complicates the situation for Israel, which must defend itself against a group that is both a governing body and a terrorist entity.

What are your thoughts on the UN’s disproportionate focus on Israel?

Sid Roth: The UN consistently targets Israel while ignoring egregious human rights abuses elsewhere. This selective outrage reveals a bias that undermines the UN’s credibility as an impartial arbiter of international conflicts.

Do you think there is any viable solution for the governance of Gaza?

Sid Roth: The only viable solution is for Israel to eliminate Hamas and take control of Gaza with Israeli military forces. No other country is willing to take in Palestinians, and allowing terrorists to govern is not an option.

What is your perspective on the biblical prophecy related to Israel and the nations?

Sid Roth: The Bible prophesies that nations will turn against Israel, but those who stand with Israel will be blessed. As followers of Messiah Jesus, it is our duty to support Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

What do you think about the UN’s future if it continues on this path?

Sid Roth: If the UN continues to fail in addressing global injustices impartially and persistently criticizes Israel, it risks becoming irrelevant and a shadow of its intended purpose.

How do you respond to those who suggest alternative solutions for Gaza’s governance?

Sid Roth: Any alternative that does not involve Israel’s control is impractical. The hatred taught in Palestinian schools and the refusal of other Arab nations to take in Palestinians complicate any peace plan.

What message would you like to convey to Christians regarding their support for Israel?

Sid Roth: Christians should stand with Israel, pray for its peace, and advocate for justice. Supporting Israel aligns us with God’s plan and promises, and we must be vocal in our support.


Sid Roth hosts “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural,” a television show with over two million daily viewers. He also runs the Middle East Broadcast Network, which reaches all of Israel, much of the Middle East, and Northern Africa. Sid is a best-selling author with over three million copies of his books in circulation.

Media Contact:

Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests Publicity LLC

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com: jerry@specialguests.com

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